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(503) 855-4415
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Choosing To Stay At Home

Options For When Your Loved One Chooses To Recieve Home Care in Tualatin, Lake Oswego, Portland, West Linn, OR

We provide numerous options for seniors who wish to receive home care versus moving to a nursing facility

It’s not impossible for your mother and father to live out their days at home.  In fact, at home care for seniors suggest when mom and dad want to age out together it makes perfect sense to remain in their house among their memories.  However, if they are rambling about in a home way too big and costly, paring down may be an alternative. Downsizing does not mean giving up their independent living nor moving to assisted living.  Your parents or parent may select to roll their money into another home or apartment with the assistance of at home care for seniors as needed.

Today your mom or dad may not need assistance.  Moving to a smaller living environment may be just the what your parents need to reduce stress and anxiety.  However, preparing for the future today will make tomorrow easier for you and your loved ones if they need at home care for seniors.  Care may include companionship if one of your parents is deceased.  On the other hand, at home care for seniors may provide personal care for one of your parents while the other one requires no services.  These same compassionate providers may also be with mom or dad in their finals days of life as well.

Living at home may not be feasible for some families.  It is best to do some prep work before making any final decision for your mother or father to identify if they can afford to age in place or will need to move to a facility or in with family.  Each decision is one that will take a toll on your parent emotionally as this is their journey through life and maybe taking decision making away from them can be disheartening. 

It’s important to plan, keeping your mother and father involved.  When possible start, this discuss early on, provide options for mom and dad introducing them to at home care for seniors. If you would like to learn more home come care services available to your parents, please contact us today.