Marysville, California
901 H St, Marysville, CA 95901
(530) 208-5152
Would you like to save Marysville, California as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (530) 208-5152 | 901 H St, Marysville, California 95901
901 H St, Marysville, California 95901

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Around the Clock Care

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Marysville, California.

Around the Clock Care For Seniors in Marysville, CA

Senior care at home may be a gratifying but exhausting experience, especially if your loved one requires care at all hours of the day and night. We provide a team of skilled caregivers to ensure that your loved one receives round-the-clock care for seniors. Do you want to know more? Call us at (530) 208-5152!

Around-the-Clock Assistance

This care for seniors, also known as 24/7 elder care, refers to situations in which your loved one requires constant supervision. This could be for medication reminders, assistance with recovery after an illness or surgery, or simply a calming presence to assist your loved one in the middle of the night.

Our caregivers work in teams to offer adequate monitoring, regardless of the degree of care. We employ a team of 4 to 6 care aides to ensure that your loved one is always cared for by a refreshed, alert caregiver.

Types of Care

Our home health care services include medication reminders, disorientation support, and personal care services like as toileting, bathing, and accessing and exiting beds and other places of rest at all hours of the day and night. If a client awakens unexpectedly and is fully bewildered, our care aides are trained to calm your loved one and assist him or her in returning to sleep.

We engage seniors in simple everyday tasks through our Interactive Caregiving philosophy. Our companion services involve changing their regular activities into interesting activities that help them stay strong and positive.