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How to Recognize Early Signs of Dementia

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Akron, Ohio.

signs of dementia

How to Recognize Early Signs of Dementia: Things to Look for in Your Loved One

It can be difficult to tell when someone has dementia. The early signs vary from person to person and can be quite subtle. However, there are some common early symptoms that you should look out for. It’s important to know the warning signs of dementia so you can get an early diagnosis and provide your loved one with the support they need.

1: Memory loss

Dementia is typically characterized by problems with memory, thinking, and concentration. One of the early signs of dementia is difficulty remembering recent events. While it's normal to occasionally forget appointments or names, a person with dementia may forget things more often or may have difficulty retaining new information.

2: Difficulty performing tasks

Another common sign of dementia is difficulty completing familiar tasks, such as getting dressed or preparing a meal.

3: Disorientation to time and place

People with dementia can become lost in familiar surroundings and not remember how they got there or how to get home. They may also forget what day it is or seem to be living in past memories.

4: Misplacing things

We all misplace items sometimes, like wallets or keys. However, if someone is putting things in places they shouldn’t be–for example, the TV remote in the refrigerator–it is a sign something else is going on.

5: Changes in mood 

While anyone can feel sad or moody from time to time, people living with dementia may experience mood swings with no apparent cause. They may feel depressed and lose interest in their favorite activities. 

If you notice any of these changes, talk to your loved one's doctor. They can help determine whether the changes are due to dementia or another cause. Early diagnosis is important because it can allow for early intervention and treatment. Remember, even if someone has dementia, there are still many things that can be done to help them live a full and meaningful life.