What is the purpose of the National Day of Joy?
The National Day of Joy, sponsored by Comfort Keepers®, encourages people to find joy in the little things in life. The pursuit of happiness is frequently relegated to the background of people's lives as they deal with their daily responsibilities. However, finding joy is crucial for physical, mental, and overall well-being at any age.
Additional events were held across the country, as well as news coverage in newspapers and magazines as well as television news programs. Thousands of people also shared their experiences on social media.
Our Work Brings Us Joy
Bringing happiness to our clients' lives is the most important thing we do at Comfort Keepers. Folks we care for, irrespective of age, want the same things that people of any age do: connection, love, meaning, purpose, and hope. According to Comfort Keepers research, when seniors find joy in their lives, it benefits both them and their adult children, who will have peace of mind knowing that their parents are happy and safe. Thus, adult children can pursue their own family priorities and have a more meaningful relationship with their parents, rather than a stressful, caregiver-parent one. As the United States' population ages and the ranks of those 65 and over grow to account for a fifth of the population by 2030 (according to the United States Census Bureau), Comfort Keepers believes that assisting seniors in finding joy benefits our clients, their families, and our country.
How Does Day of Joy Help You?
The ability to laugh and smile is a powerful medicine for your body when you are feeling joyous or happy. Laughter, according to the Mayo Clinic, increases your oxygen intake and stimulates your heart, lungs, and organs. Laughter also releases endorphins into the brain, which reduces stress and relieves tension. Aside from providing a quick pick-me-up, finding joy and laughter strengthens your immune system by decreasing negative thoughts, which can increase stress and reduce the body's immune response. Finding joy also helps to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and even alleviate depression. Which is similar to how our home care aide helps seniors.
What Brings Joy To You?
Comfort Keepers, an in-home care provider for seniors and other adults, established the National Day of Joy in 2019. Comfort Keepers released the results of its National State of Joy survey, which polled Americans on what brings the most joy into their lives, as part of the first annual Day of Joy. The survey discovered that those experiencing the most joy are older, with those over 60 experiencing more joy on average than those aged 18-29 and those aged 45-60.
Don't Miss Out On This Joyous Event
The National Day of Joy occurs on June 30th at Comfort Keepers of Kalispell, MT, Flathead County, Lake County, Lincoln County and nearby counties. It lasts all day long! If you have questions about the event or just general questions about our home care aide offered at Comfort Keepers, don't hesitate to call or contact us in other ways.