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Holiday Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Osseo, Minnesota.

Holiday Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers

The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time of year. But for families caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's, the holiday season can be filled with stress, anxiety, and extra responsibilities. That doesn't have to be the case! Follow these tips to help make sure your loved one has a happy and healthy holiday season.

Plan Ahead.

Planning ahead can help reduce stress, get the most out of your time, save money and improve your quality of life.

Planning ahead will also allow you to avoid situations where you are trying to make decisions on the fly, which might lead to an argument with a loved one. For example: If someone asks what they should wear to a party or whether they should go on an outing when they feel tired and weak due to Alzheimer's symptoms.

Remember that planning ahead includes making plans for yourself and other caregivers helping with caregiving duties such as cooking meals or taking care of laundry.

Simplify Holiday Tasks.

Make a list of all the tasks you need to do.

Break them down into smaller tasks that can be accomplished in less than an hour each, and schedule them throughout the day instead of trying to get everything done at once.

Don't do anything that will make you feel overwhelmed or stressed out; if there's something that needs to happen but feels overwhelming or stressful and is going to take more than an hour (for example: baking the pies), ask for help from another family member or hire a friend who knows what they're doing!

Invite People to Join Your Celebration.

Remember to invite people to join your celebrations and festivities. It's essential to set aside some time during the day or evening for you and your family members, but it's also good to have guests over if they can.

Make sure everyone knows what is going on so they can help in any way possible, even if it's just by being an extra pair of hands. If you need assistance during a party, ask for it! Don't be afraid you're not alone. And if you don't want them there at all, that's okay too; no one will think less of you for not wanting help from others just because this is a difficult time for everyone involved with Alzheimer's caregiving.

Consider whether to alter familiar traditions.

Consider whether to alter familiar traditions. It may be better to celebrate new traditions rather than trying to re-create old ones. For example, if your family always went to a certain restaurant on Christmas Eve, try celebrating at home instead and then going out later in the evening. This way, you won't feel pressured by waiting for your loved one to finish eating before you can begin opening presents.

Try new activities. 

Many times, people with Alzheimer's are unable to do things they used to enjoy doing because their memory loss has worsened over time or because they have become physically frail due to other health issues (e.g., diabetes). If your loved one used to love playing cards or board games with family members but can no longer remember how long each round lasts or which cards have been played already, consider trying an activity that doesn't require such intense concentration. Such as coloring books or crossword puzzles instead!

Create a Safe Environment

Be mindful of safety concerns when decorating the house. Don't overload electrical outlets with too many plugs or light strings; make sure that any decorations are securely fastened so they don't come loose and become a choking hazard; keep candles away from children and pets, and don't use flammable materials like paper or wood as decorations around the house.

Celebrate Small Moments of Joy.

As a caregiver, you may find yourself focusing on the things that are difficult for your loved one. You can get so wrapped up in the negativity of what needs to be done or said that you forget about celebrating the small moments of joy in life.

You need to remember that there is good in this world and celebrate it! Find ways to do this with your loved one and make memories together. This will help them feel less isolated and give them something positive to look forward to.

Balance Activities with Rest.

It can be challenging for caregivers to take time for themselves when their loved ones are in need. And if you're a caregiver with a busy schedule, it might feel like there's never any time left over at the end of the day. But taking some time out is essential for you and your loved one.

It can be helpful to plan ahead by choosing activities that bring you joy and make you feel relaxed, especially if they involve doing things together as a family or other group of people. You could see a movie at the theater or rent one from (a movie rental service). If your loved one enjoys playing cards or board games, consider inviting others over so everyone can enjoy each other's company while participating in an activity together.

Final  Thoughts…

The holidays can be difficult for caregivers, but they don't have to be. By planning, inviting others to join your celebration, and simplifying tasks, you can make the most of the season and enjoy the moments along the way. Take some time to relax and enjoy the company of your loved one but don't forget to take care of yourself too. We wish you all the best!

If you are an Alzheimer's caregiver in Osseo or the surrounding Minneapolis area, Comfort Keepers can help! Contact us to learn more about our in-home respite care services