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3 Great New Year's Resolutions for Seniors

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Osseo, Minnesota.

3 Great New Year's Resolutions for Seniors

2023 is here! Check out these actionable resolutions for seniors starting off the new year. 

As the new year begins, many of us find ourselves making resolutions or setting goals for the coming year. While it’s important to always strive for personal growth, it’s especially important for seniors to make and keep New Year's resolutions that will help them maintain an active lifestyle. Here are some ideas for resolutions that can help seniors stay healthy and engaged in 2023. 

Exercise Regularly 

Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and well-being, especially as we age. Establishing a regular exercise routine can help seniors increase mobility and flexibility, boost their energy levels, reduce stress, and improve their overall physical health. Exercise doesn't have to mean grueling workouts; even just taking a daily walk around your neighborhood or doing some simple stretches at home can be beneficial. 

Stay Connected 

As we get older, staying connected with family and friends becomes increasingly important—not only from an emotional standpoint but from a mental health one as well. Socializing helps stimulate the mind which can help prevent cognitive decline. Encourage the senior in your life to use technology like video chat or phone calls to stay in touch with loved ones if they're unable to visit in person. Additionally, joining online support groups or engaging in activities like virtual art classes or book clubs can be fun ways to connect with others while staying safe during the pandemic.  

Eat Healthily 

Making sure that seniors eat a balanced diet is key to keeping them healthy throughout the year; proper nutrition helps maintain muscle mass, protect bone density, and boost immunity against illness. Encourage your loved one to start 2023 by stocking their pantry with nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy products, nuts and seeds, legumes and beans—and don’t forget about healthy fats! It's also important that seniors stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water (8 glasses per day). 


Making New Year's resolutions is a great way for seniors to establish habits that will help them stay physically fit and mentally sharp throughout 2023. Staying active through exercise routines tailored to their abilities along with eating nutritiously will go a long way toward helping them enjoy this new year—and beyond! Caregivers should do what they can to encourage these habits so their loved ones can live a healthier lifestyle this year and into the next one!

Did you know working with an in-home care agency may help you or your senior loved one reach goals, such as staying connected, exercising regularly, and remaining healthy? Contact our team to learn more about how Comfort Keepers can help!