Federal Way, Washington
500 S 336th St #204, Federal Way, WA 98003
(253) 447-5397
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How to Start the Conversation

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Federal Way, Washington.

Starting The Conversation About In Home Senior Care

Learn how to discuss in home senior care with your senior loved one in the best possible way

How to start the conversation about in home senior care with your loved one in Federal Way, WAIf you have done your research and you have decided that in home senior care is the best solution for your loved one’s care needs, it is time to talk with them about this sensitive topic. Although this conversation can be difficult, overwhelming and uncomfortable, it is in your parent’s best interest that you discuss this with them and see whether they are on the same page with you when it comes to their future care.  In order to make sure that this conversation goes as smoothly as possible, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Timing is everything

Although there is no ideal time to have this talk, we recommend you have this conversation with your aging parent while they are still healthy and able to make decisions for themselves. Make sure they actively participate in the discussion and allow them to express their fears, doubts, goals, and preferences. It is important that they are included in the decision-making from the start; simply informing them that they will start receiving in home senior care can lead to arguments.

Choose the Right Location

Instead of having this conversation somewhere public, choose a quiet, private place where your parent feels comfortable and safe. Their home or a family member’s home can be a good option.

Choose the Leader

Before you have this important conversation with your loved one, talk to your family members and agree upon the main points of the conversation. Choose the main speaker who will lead the conversation and ensure that everyone has their chance to speak. This way you will all be on the same page when the conversation starts, showing your senior that you all truly believe in home senior care is the right choice for them.

Be Supportive

Your parent needs to know that they are not alone in this and that you will do everything in your power to make the transition into home care as smooth as possible. Let them know that you care for them and that you will still often visit them and spend quality time with them.

Do Your Research

Gathering all the information about in home senior care can be overwhelming. That is why we are here to answer any of your questions 24/7.

Call our Federal Way, WA office today at (253) 200-0038!

Classes from Comfort Keepers in Federal Way, WA

Unfortunately, conversations about preparing for our senior years often do not happen. At least not as soon as they should! Learn the facts about how to be the best advocate possible for a loved one or yourself. Don’t wait for an emergency to happen! Learn some tips on “how to” have a conversation, and educate yourself with the available resources and information that will help you with aging transitions.


For more information about these classes, call us today at (253) 200-0038.