Veteran Benefits in Manassas
Comfort Keepers® is proud to provide care for our nation's heroes.
As a veteran-led and veteran-owned company, Comfort Keepers of Manassas, VA is honored to provide care and support for those that have given everything for their country.
Our Services
We help provide the information to work through the paperwork and help you avoid potential pension claim delays. Once you become an approved participant in a Veteran's Affairs program, Comfort Keepers will provide the quality home care and companionship our veterans deserve. There are several veteran in-home care programs for which an individual may qualify:
- Improved Pension Benefit Program
- Homemaker/Home Health Aide Program
- In-Home Respite Program
Who Qualifies for Veteran Care With Us?
If you or your spouse served 90 consecutive days of active military duty – at least one of those days during a U.S. declared war – you may qualify or be partially qualified. You must also dwell within Prince William County, Virginia. Eligible communities include Catharpin, Nokesville, Manassas, and Centreville.
Other qualifications include specific financial criteria and documented physical need for in-home care.
To begin the application process, you will need:
- Original discharge certificate
- Marriage certificate (divorce papers from any prior marriages, if applicable)
- Death certificate of veteran (if applicable)
- Social Security numbers for the veteran and spouse
For any additional information, call Comfort Keepers in Manassas at (703) 686-4820.
Virginia Veteran Resources
Hero’s Bridge, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting older veterans,
VA Information on Gulf War/Agent Orange/Project Shad/Mustard Agents and Lewisite/Ionizing Radiation