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5 Steps to Begin In-Home Care Services

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Osseo, Minnesota.

5 Steps to Begin In-Home Care Services

Considering in-home care services for a family member? Here are 5 steps to ease the process and find the best provider. 

According to AARP, 77% of people over the age of 50 would prefer to remain in the comfort of their own home and live independently. If this is the desire of your senior loved one, exploring in-home care options is probably at the top of your to-do list. 

Starting the process of finding the best in-home care provider can be a daunting and challenging task if you do not know where to begin. Oftentimes, the earlier you begin the process of exploring home care services in your loved one's community, the smoother the process and transition will be for all involved. If you are not sure where to start, here are 5 steps to follow when beginning in-home care services. 

Have the Conversation about Home Care 

Before starting the process of exploring in-home care solutions for your senior loved one, make sure that you have a conversation with them about the need for care now, or in the future. Use this conversation as an opportunity to learn more about their wishes and expectations when it comes to their own care. Remember, the more conversations that you can have with your senior loved one about in-home care, the more comfortable they will be when the time comes to utilize a service. 

Open communication can help you record any questions that your loved one has about in-home care, the services that they would find beneficial, the process of implementing care, and their ideal caregiver. These insights can be very helpful when exploring and vetting different in-home care providers that provide support within their community. 

Here are some additional tips for having a conversation about care

Research and Call Home Care Providers

Researching in-home care providers in your loved one’s community is a great way to better understand what agencies are available, the services they offer, the process of using a provider, and ways to pay for care. One of the easiest ways to find out information during your initial research stage is online through agency websites and client reviews. 

Once you narrow your search down to a few in-home care agencies, call the agencies directly to verify that they service your loved one's community, address more specific questions that you or your senior loved one have, and discuss the next steps. Once you gather all of your information, make a determination on the best path forward.

In-Home Assessment (Once Care is Needed)

After choosing the best in-home care agency for your senior loved one and the time has come for care, request an in-home assessment. Most reputable in-home care providers will offer an in-home assessment free of charge and use this appointment to uncover care needs, determine the number of care hours needed, begin the process of identifying the best caregiver-client match, and address any questions or concerns, in detail,  that you or your loved one have about care. 

Make the Commitment

This is the point in the process when you move forward with services and sign an agreement with the in-home care provider that you have selected. Make sure that your review the agreement and understand the details and costs associated with the plan. 

Follow-Up Communication  

Once your loved one begins to receive in-home care, follow up with them, and the provider, to find out how care is going. Keep your communication channels open and be a support system for your loved one. This is a big change and one that sometimes takes time to get used to.

Learn More About Comfort Keepers

At Comfort Keepers, we know the process of finding the best in-home care solution for a senior in Osseo or the surrounding area can be overwhelming. We make the experience as easy as possible and are available, anytime, to answer any questions you have. Give us a call today (763) 273-4207

5 Steps to Begin In-Home Care Services