Comfort Keepers Home Care Of San Jose, CA, Offers Advice On Starting The Conversation About Elder Care With Your Senior Loved One
Home Care Providers Comfort Keepers of San Jose, CA offer advice on how you and your family can bring up the senior care conversation
Starting the at home elder care conversation about senior home care can be challenging. However, knowing how to initiate this subject and being kind but honest and direct can make this conversation easier for everyone involved. To lessen any discomfort, you should plan things carefully and prepare yourself in advance. These preparations include writing down the issues you want to discuss, talking with other family members, and carefully choosing the best time and place for this conversation.
Before approaching your loved one, you should include other family members. This will give everyone the chance to discuss their own needs and concerns. It is also wise to choose one person everyone can ask for details and instruction, who will lead the conversation. This can help you avoid confrontational situations. When everyone your loved one is close to offers support, it will show them they are not alone.
When and where the at home elder care conversation takes place matters. The atmosphere should never be intimidating, but calm, pleasant, and friendly. You should pick a day when your loved one is well-rested and relaxed. Choose a location where you can talk without interruption.
Beginning the discussion is often the hardest part. Keep in mind that if your loved one feels overwhelmed, they can get defensive. In order to avoid this and make the conversation less threatening, you should explain your concerns and give them the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings at home elder care. Listen to what they have to say or ask for their opinion. Instead of acting patronizing, be open and honest. This will show your loved one you truly care for their well-being. Don’t try to resolve everything at once. Give your loved one some time to get used to the ideas you have presented before talking to them about home care again.
For more information, feel free to contact Comfort Keepers of San Jose, CA. (408) 446-1199 our staff is available 24/7 to advise you and answer all your questions.