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Hearing Loss and Seniors

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care for the Elderly: Hearing Loss And Seniors: Causes, Signs, And Treatment

In-home care for the elderly - Comfort Keepers of Fredericksburg, VA help your senior loved one deal with hearing loss

In-home care for the elderly experts knows that learning loss is a common health problem among seniors, defined as the gradual or sudden decline of a person’s ability to hear. It can be partial or full, meaning that some people with hearing loss can still hear but not too well whereas others cannot hear any sounds whatsoever. What is also important to note is that hearing loss can differently affect each ear, so a person may hear better in one ear than the other.

Due to the fact that the majority of hearing loss problems occur in adults over the age of 65, with half the senior population older than 75 having troubles hearing, older adults may want to pay special attention to hearing health care.

Causes of Hearing Loss

The causes of this medical condition vary. In-home care for the elderly providers knows that this is the most common cause of hearing loss, but researchers and scientists are still uncertain why seniors are affected by it in high numbers. There are some speculations, though, from lifelong exposure to noises to genetic predispositions.

Other causes of hearing loss include exposure to dangerous noise levels on a regular basis, which can be associated with professions like carpenters or musicians, medication side effects, infection, and illness or trauma.

How to Recognize the Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can greatly affect a person’s ability to perform even the simplest daily tasks. Having difficulties hearing can make it extremely hard – if not impossible – to hear your phone ringing or answer your door, communicate with others, follow your doctor’s recommendations, properly respond to dangerous situations, and more. This can turn once enjoyable activities into frustrating events. It can also increase the risk of injuries, which can severely impact independence in senior years.

Here our in-home care for the elderly providers list the most common signs of hearing loss:

  • Not being able to follow a conversation
  • Asking others to repeat what they said
  • Complaining about others mumbling while speaking
  • Turning up TV or radio volume
  • Not answering phones
  • Experiencing ringing in ears
  • Attempting to read lips
  • Being annoyed at others for not understanding what they are saying
  • Feeling embarrassed to meet and talk to people

If you have noticed several of these signs in your loved one, it is best to seek medical advice.

Treatment Options

Treatment depends on the cause of hearing loss. In some cases, surgery or medications can help. When it comes to more advanced cases of hearing loss, wearing a hearing aid may be the best solution. It may take some time to get used to hearing aid, but it can significantly improve hearing. Another option is Cochlear implants, which are surgically inserted into one or both ears to enhance hearing by stimulating the auditory nerve. It is only recommended for severe hearing loss.

In-home care for the elderly providers warns that your parents may also want to consider using assistive listening devices such as phone amplifying devices or apps, as well as learn lip-reading to better follow daily conversations.

Dealing with hearing loss may not be easy, but with medical and technological solutions and the support of loved ones, your parents can maintain a high quality of life. If your parent needs some additional help, we are happy to help! We can offer assistance with everyday tasks and activities, also providing your loved one with comfort and advice while adjusting to their situation. We can also provide specialized services to seniors with hearing loss, as well as technological solutions that can facilitate daily activities. We are happy to help!