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Making the Choice for Senior Care

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Houston, Texas.

senior care houstonMaking the Choice for Senior Care

Choosing the right senior care for a loved one is a task that requires the cooperation of the whole family. This is important because seniors are at a vulnerable stage of life, where they face multiple health concerns and loss of physical and cognitive function. Seniors require the support and love of family members more than ever. 

Why it's Important to Involve the Family

Seniors often have difficulty expressing their needs and preferences, which is why they need someone to advocate for them. Family members are the most qualified for this role because they know their loved ones better than anyone else in the world. 

Even if you decide to involve outside help, such as an in-home care agency, an assisted living community, or a nursing home, you should still be involved. You can communicate your loved one’s likes and dislikes, habits, routines, concerns, and all the other things that make them an individual to professional caregivers. Without your help and involvement, their senior care may fall short of what they deserve. 

Today, nearly 80 percent of older Americans prefer to stay at home as they age. This means families are more directly involved than ever in their loved ones’ senior care. It is crucial that families be involved in the planning stage together because no single individual can adequately handle the responsibilities of caregiving alone. This is especially true when combined with other work, family, and community responsibilities. In most families, one sibling usually becomes the primary family caregiver, based on proximity to the aging parent. 

Deciding who that person will be is a good topic for the first conversation with aging parents. Parents must be involved in every decision-making process to maintain control of their lives as much as possible. But no matter who the primary family caregiver is, all siblings must somehow share the responsibility. This could involve home maintenance, managing bill paying and finances, or taking care of insurance and medical claim issues. Visitation is also important. As you brighten your parents’ day, you can monitor their health and mental status and share your concerns with their professional caregivers. You may find that their elder care plan needs to be modified to address changing circumstances. 

Deciding on Senior Care

When choosing the most appropriate care for a senior loved one, there are several decisions to make and questions to ask. For example, how do you begin talking with your parent about their care needs? How will the care be funded? What is the safest, most comfortable, and most appropriate care option for your parent? Is there a family member nearby who can be of assistance at a moment’s notice? What help does your parent need, such as bathing, eating, transportation, etc.? How do your parent’s religious affiliation and other personal preferences influence the type of care you choose? What types of senior care are available, and how do they differ? How does each one address your parents’ needs? 

Personalized Senior Care Plans

Comfort Keepers can help you find the senior care solution most appropriate for your parents or loved ones. When crafting custom care plans, along with the seniors and their loved ones, we consider options that match their unique traits and temperament. For example, are your parents typically thinkers or socializers? Thinkers desire space and privacy. They prefer independence, reading, and working quietly alone. On the other hand, socializers are energized by people. They enjoy interactions with others and become lonely without regular interaction. 

Choosing the best senior care option is a difficult decision. Involving family members helps ensure that you consider all factors and choose the best possible solution for your parent or loved one. Comfort Keepers is on your side and can help be a guiding light as you and your family make this important decision. To schedule a free in-home senior care assessment, reach out today.