Lincoln, Rhode Island
1525 Old Louisquisset Pike C201, Lincoln, RI 02865
(401) 349-0888
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Call (401) 349-0888 | 1525 Old Louisquisset Pike C201, Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865
1525 Old Louisquisset Pike C201, Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In-home elder care is an excellent way to make sure that seniors do not lose their independence, even when they lose the ability to drive.

It is no secret that in today's fast-moving age of technology, far-spread community services and on-the-go mentality, transportation is a vital and critical part of Americans' daily lives. In very few cities can one go without a mode of transportation to obtain services that each of us requires, including food from the grocery store, trips to visit different doctors' offices and basic socialization with family and friends.

The ability to secure transportation is especially challenging for seniors. Often times, seniors lack the ability to drive distances, to travel to bus stops, subways, or carpool with friends, family or colleagues on a daily basis. For those who do live within walking distance of conveniences including shops, grocery stores, and healthcare providers, other roadblocks prevent them from getting there, including inclement weather, declining health, or fear for their safety.

With the increase of convenient services, including at-home elder care, seniors now have the option of maintaining their independence by living in their own residences. Elder care services encompass a wide range of seniors' needs and desires, including transportation services. These transportation services are available to assist in maintaining a senior's wellbeing, whether it be physical, emotional, social or otherwise.

Comfort Keepers®, the compassionate and professional in-home elder care provider, is available to transport seniors to and from doctors' appointments, to transport seniors to and from grocery stores, to assist with shopping, cooking, feeding and cleaning, and much more. Elder care providers such as Comfort Keepers recognize the power of maintaining a positive spirit through communication, socialization, and activities just for fun. Caregivers are available to take seniors wherever they wish to go, including parks, shopping, visiting friends and family, community centers activities, religious services and much more. Not only will Comfort Keepers assist with transportation but if a senior wishes, caregivers provide companionship, conversation and socialization. Often times, Comfort Keepers elder care providers are able to connect seniors with others within the community and help them participate in community programs, classes, workshops, events and much more, where they can interact with others with whom they can relate. Research has proven that seniors who remain involved socially live healthier, happier lives.

With transportation services from Comfort Keepers, seniors can stay connected even when they lose the ability to drive.