We are all aware that eating a healthy diet helps us feel better and is a critical component of senior care. Good eating habits, as well as adherence to healthy eating goals, may help us improve our mental and physical health, as well as provide the energy we need to engage in the activities we like.
Unfortunately, far too many seniors' nutritional requirements are unmet. Changes in our bodies as we age, along with shifting dietary requirements, may make it more difficult for older adults to eat healthfully. 1 in every 3 hospital patients is malnourished before to admission, and more than ⅓ of patients in the United States (31%) have nutritional deterioration throughout their stay.
If it's tough to maintain good eating habits, there are senior care strategies that anybody may use to guarantee they're getting adequate food. Along with consulting a physician about diet or health concerns, patients may try the following ways to regain control:
- Make meals a social event – Sharing a meal is one of the most fun ways to ensure that someone is eating healthfully. Making something nutritious and delicious for others, or reaching out to people who like preparing healthy food and giving them with your company, are instances of this.
- Make healthy eating inexpensive – Eating well does not have to be prohibitively expensive. A physician or nutritionist may recommend cost-effective, healthful food options to patients. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also saves money in the long term on medical care.
- Purchase nutritious foods – Keeping a kitchen stocked with nutritious snacks and meal replacements is a vital component of maintaining a balanced diet.
- Urge people to get help - If you know someone who is worried about their ability to plan healthy meals, shop for groceries, or simply receive the nutrients they need, encourage them to seek assistance! Seniors may get dietary assistance from in-home caregivers, delivery services, family, friends, and medical specialists.
Consult a physician if you are concerned about your nutrition or the eating habits of a senior relative. For more help with senior nutrition and meal preparation, contact our Port Huron, MI senior care agency. Request a free consultation online or contact us at (810) 207-3453.