Torrance, California
21171 South Western Ave., Suite 220, Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 325-6500
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Home Services Coordination

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Torrance, California.

Elder Care Services from Comfort Keepers Home Care in Lomita, CA

Comfort Keepers Provides Elder Care Services Coordinator Efforts

Comfort Keepers understands that many older adults prefer to spend the later years of their life in the comfort of their own home. We are also aware that these seniors often require support with daily living activities like bathing, dressing, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and errands. For this reason, our highly trained caregivers are dedicated to providing them with a wide array of services that can make it possible for them to live an independent and healthy lifestyle at home.

With our top-notch services, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your older loved one has the support necessary to maintain their physical appearance, home, and mental health. Whether your older loved one requires 24-hour or full-time elder care services or only needs care for a few hours a week, we can help them live a higher quality of life.

Some examples of the types of tasks and chores our caregivers often assist seniors with include:

  • Laundry and light housekeeping

  • Gardening and weeding

  • Snow removal

  • Appliance replacement

  • The installation of home safety modifications like grab bars, railing, and night lights

  • Support with mobile phones, tablets, televisions, laptops, computers, internet, and other technology


To determine which tasks and chores our caregivers will assist your senior with, a client care coordinator will conduct a complimentary elder care services consultation. The purpose of this consultation is to meet you and your older loved one and get a better understanding of your senior’s health condition and specific needs. Once the consultation is over, the client care coordinator will design a customized care plan that you and your senior can look over and modify if necessary.

We take great pride in providing older adults with the type of elder care services they need to live well at home. If you feel that your senior parent could use some additional help around the house, we encourage you to contact us today. We’ll be happy to schedule a complimentary in-home care consultation and answer any questions you may have.