Respite Care for Seniors in Chula Vista, CA
Quality care for seniors whose family caregivers need a short break.
According to the Journal of Gerontology, caregivers who use respite services "experience lower levels of caregiving-related stress and better psychological well-being." The benefits of respite care for seniors go beyond the caregivers, as respite care has been shown to be tremendously beneficial to the person being cared for as well.
The reality of caregiving is that it takes a toll on every aspect of a person's life: physical, emotional, financial, and even spiritual. Respite care for seniors refers to the short-term care provided for your senior loved one while the family or primary caregivers are away or taking a break. The care can be scheduled from 30 minutes to several days.
Caregivers who take advantage of short breaks, or respites, are able to find restoration and healing for many of their issues. But most caregivers feel guilty about taking time away from their senior loved one. In actuality, the seniors are worrying and feeling guilty about the amount of time their loved ones are spending caring for them at the expense of their own lives and health. While they are thankful for the care, they don't want to be the cause of a negative impact on their family's lives. Respite gives the seniors receiving care a sense of peace knowing that their loved ones are getting a chance to rest, recover, and take care of themselves, too.
Additionally, your senior loved one is a social person. They need to see and interact with multiple people to keep their mental and emotional faculties strong. Respite services bring new faces and names into their often dwindling social circle and enhance their intellectual, emotional, and social lives.
If either you or your senior loved one are getting worn down, don't delay. Take advantage of our respite care for seniors. After all, you need to be at your best in order to provide your best care. respite care for seniors