Frederick, Maryland
340 W Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701
(240) 651-5876
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340 W Patrick St, Frederick, Maryland 21701

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Postoperative Care

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Frederick, Maryland.

In Home Postoperative Care | Frederick County MD

The most important thing to remember after surgery is to be considerate of your body - you know what the risks are and when you might experience adverse side effects. Your doctor will post these risks on the pre-op schedule as well as in the materials he will provide to you during your follow-up visit. Comfort Keepers caregivers are trained and experienced with helping postoperative clients.  

Our caregivers can assist with transportation to and from appointments, mobility, grocery shopping, meal preparation as well as helping you get your prescriptions (and reminding you when to take your medications).  Call us today at (240) 651-5876 to find out how we can help and to arrange for safe transportation to and from your procedure.

Tips For Postoperative Care

Postoperative care after a surgical operation is the after care that you get after having surgery. The kind of postoperative care that you will get largely depends upon the kind of surgery that you had, and your medical history. It likely will include lots of rest and pain management, if there is any. Ask your surgeon for updated directions before you leave the hospital, and make sure to follow them closely.

In order to ensure that your postoperative care is as safe and as effective as it can be, it's important to have a good relationship with your surgeon. You may not know how much your surgeon knows about his work, or how much he can do for you because of the inherent risks of surgery. To ensure that you both share in the responsibilities of postoperative care, have an open line of communication. Schedule a time to talk about what happens during your surgery, what you expect from each other, and what your plans are for recovery. If your surgeon is particularly helpful, your recovery will be less stressful.

After your surgery is complete, we will assist you as requested to follow your doctor's orders.  Typical postoperative care includes special nutrition advice, personalized diet recommendations, and exercise recommendations - we can help you with all of these and more. 

While postoperative care should focus on healing, it is also vital that you respect your physical limitations. Listed below are a few tips for helping you or your loved one to cope with their new physical limitations and their participation in the postoperative recovery process. 

Additional postoperative care tips include:

Happy senior in bed receiving post-hospital care in Frederick, MDThe hospital will have specific guidelines for what type of activity is appropriate for you. If your procedure requires you to stay in bed, you should plan on having someone assist you during your recovery.

Always defer to your doctor's recommendations but as a general guideline you should avoid strenuous physical activity for about a month prior to surgery and for the first six weeks afterwards.

After the operation, your family members need to ensure that you are following all of the postoperative care instructions given by your surgeon. This includes drinking water, taking medications, and resting as directed. Make sure that your family members understand that recovery from complications will not be easy. Many people struggle for months or even years after having a trauma. Your caregiver will be there to make the difficult road easier, but you must be sure to follow his or her advice.

For more information about our in home care services and how we can help call us anytime at (240) 651-5876, chat with a live operator online or contact us via a direct message here.