Our Home Care Company is Dedicated to Assisting Seniors with ALS and Parkinson’s in Spring Lake, MI and Surrounding Areas
Our home care company strives to help your senior loved one’s in Spring Lake live with ALS and Parkinson’s.
Seniors who are living with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) face a future filled with obstacles and constant assistance. This degenerative disease is truly life-altering and will continuously erode at their physical and mental capacity over extended periods of time. This makes it a challenge to keep their quality of life thriving in the comfort of their own home. Our home care company makes it possible to help them stay at home rather than being placed in a facility that may significantly decrease their happiness.
It doesn’t stop with ALS, Comfort Keepers works to provide quality-driven and compassionate care to those who have any other degenerative, muscular, or terminal illnesses. All of our home care company workers go through special training to make sure that they can meet all of the demands and battles that our seniors are faced with daily.
These diseases like ALS and Parkinson’s have unique impacts on all of our clients. Some may face different timelines of degeneration or require assistance in particular areas that others do not. We make sure we cover the exact needs of each client based on their circumstances. We will meet with these seniors and their families personally to put together a custom-tailored plan that addresses every aspect of their daily requirements. Our home care company will also consider their future needs and battles with these diseases.
What may start off as a simple few hours a week with our caregivers may eventually progress into continuous support on a daily basis. Due to this ever-changing need for your senior, we make sure our caregivers are constantly assessing the abilities of your senior loved one and making sure that they are providing the support that is needed. Comfort Keepers caregivers are also able to help with any hospital to home transitioning, respite break coverage and work directly with family caregivers. These are necessary for the elderly who may need specialized medical devices, mobility assistance, transferring and positioning services and much more.
If you need more information from our home care company in Spring Lake, MI on our home health care agency services for ALS or other progressive illnesses please contact one of our care coordinators today so they can assist you. We can even make sure to get you to schedule for a free care consultation.