Columbus, Georgia
3575 Macon Rd STE 23, Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 890-5739
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Caring for the Caregiver

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Columbus, Georgia.

Caring for a Senior Caregiver

A senior caregiver needs help from others to provide the best care possible.

A senior caregiver needs help from others to provide the best care possible. About 44 million Americans provide regular care for an elderly relative or friend, with the estimate indicating that a family member or friend offers up to 75 percent of the care.

A senior caretaker may be prone to taking on responsibilities as if they were alone, even when others are available to help. Because of this, people are often subjected to stress, negatively impacting their physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Additionally, a guilty conscious may arise for seeking assistance from others. It is common to feel guilty for seeking help when caring for someone who has always been there for you. However, taking on too much responsibility, in addition to parenting and work, can create an unhealthy situation for the caregiver, who may be stressed out, and the person being cared for.

A variety of sources are available for caregivers, including:

  • Other family members or friends who can share the responsibilities
  • Professional caregivers, either part-time or 24/7, senior caregiver professionals 
  • Church or non-profit organizations
  • Nursing homes or adult daycare centers
  • Senior centers in your local community

Friends and family are often willing to help out. They don't know precisely how to care for a senior properly. A senior caregiver should keep a list of things they need to do for their loved ones, such as making meals for them, picking up a few groceries from the store, taking them out for a walk, or staying with them occasionally.

Caregivers can protect their health and well being while also providing better care for the people they care for by taking these actions:

  • Exercise regularly to stay healthy.
  • Get plenty of sleep—at least eight hours is recommended for most people.
  • Eat regularly, well-balanced meals.
  • Keep in touch with friends and engage in hobbies and social activities.
  • Join a support group to remind yourself that you're not alone.
  • Keep up with your doctor's appointments
  • Take some time out for yourself and relax

Give us a call at (706) 890-5739 if you think you or a loved one can benefit from these senior care services!