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1315 SE 25th Loop #102, Ocala, FL 34471
(352) 558-3414
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Why Your Family May Need Home Care

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Ocala, Florida.

Elder Care Services in Ocala, FL from Comfort Keepers: Why Your Family May Need Home Care

Comfort Keepers has Elder Care Services in Ocala, FL for your loved ones

We all age and it is no surprise that as we do get older, we need help in our home. It is vital that we look for the care needed to ensure that our loved one is safe and comfortable, even if he or she chooses to live independently. There are some signs that your loved one may show that can point towards a need for home care. Below, the experts at Comfort Keepers Elder Care Services will explore those signs with you.

Increased Forgetfulness

When it comes to remembering events and dates, it is normal for everyone to forget sometimes, but when you start to notice that your loved one is forgetting more than they should or they are forgetting things that they once could remember, then there may be a problem. Comfort Keepers Elder Care Services wants you to know that Alzheimer’s and dementia can affect your loved one and increased forgetfulness can be an indication of that.

Decline in Hygiene

If you have noticed that your loved one does not care for himself or herself properly, then they may not be able to. Comfort Keepers Elder Care Services is able to assist your loved one with everyday personal hygiene tasks such as brushing their teeth or even bathing.

Messy Home

Your loved one may have been very clean and kept their home spotless, but if they suffer from a mobility issue or they have lost some of their cognitive abilities, they may be in a position where they are unable to clean up. Clutter around the house can become a fall hazard and lead to serious injuries, so it is important to provide them with the assistance they need, and this can be done through home care services.

Health Condition That Is Chronic

In most cases, if your loved one has a chronic health condition, he or she will likely need home care either on a part-time or full-time basis. Some of the most common chronic conditions that require home care include diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.

If you are worried about your loved one’s condition or you have noticed some of the signs above, it may be time for you to explore home care options for your loved one. The team at Comfort Keepers Elder Care Services is ready to provide you and your beloved seniors with the care they need in their homes so that they can remain independent.