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The Benefits of Having a Pet During Old Age

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Some people think that having pets in their old age isn’t worth it. Pets might feel like too much work or seniors may worry that their pets won’t be as enjoyable as they used to be in their youth.

Having pets in your old age can actually provide many benefits. For those who live alone, have a more solitary lifestyle, or receive elder care assistance, pets can provide companionship like no other. Studies have shown that pets can help seniors live a healthier lifestyle and take care of themselves better.

Here are a few more benefits of having a pet during old age.

1. Ease Pain

Although pets don’t directly ease pain, they can have an indirect influence on it. Almost 50% of seniors have reported that their pets help take their minds off their poor health or pain. This extends to emotional pain as well. Just having a pet around can improve your health.

2. Companionship

One of the most obvious benefits of owning a pet in your old age is that you have constant companionship. Many seniors end up living on their own as their spouse dies or they move. Having a pet around helps seniors feel less lonely and provides them with meaningful companionship.

3. Routine

When you live with pets, you’re more likely to have a routine, particularly with dogs. Even with cats, your pets help you follow a routine that can be good for your health. Instead of being tempted to stay in the same place, you’re more likely to walk your dog or get up to play with your cat.

Having a routine alone helps your mental health. Without one, daily life can start to blur together, and you can lose motivation.

4. More Exercise

Getting up and exercising can seem too much for those in their old age, but having a pet can make it easier. Even just 30 minutes a day can drastically improve your health and keep you in a happier state of mind. No matter what pet you have, you’re much more likely to exercise with a companion around.

5. A Sense of Purpose

Pets love their owners unconditionally, and this reminder and assurance that you’re loved can help when times get hard. This, in turn, helps improve your self-esteem and self-worth. In addition, pets can give seniors a sense of purpose in life and significantly reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

Choosing the Right Pet for Seniors

While there are many benefits to having a pet during old age, it can be problematic if you aren’t able to find the right pet.

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the right pet for old age.

1. Physical Limitations

Although you may be getting a pet to stay active, it’s essential to consider a senior’s physical limitations. For example, some seniors can go on long walks every day, whereas others have difficulties. As you decide which pet to get, keep in mind any caretaking tasks that might be difficult or simply not possible.

2. Personality

A pet’s personality is vital. The character of your pet should match yours. For example, getting an energetic dog for a senior who doesn’t go out much isn’t a great idea. Likewise, getting an old pet that doesn’t want to move around isn’t an excellent idea for a senior who wants to go on long walks.

Ensure that your personality and that of your pet are compatible. If not, having a pet might be more of a strain than a help.


Pets bring joy to everyone, even seniors. They help us stay active and live healthier, which is why they can be fantastic companions to seniors. Sharing daily life with a pet can improve the overall quality of life and give a sense of purpose for a senior.