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(954) 870-4966
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3 Activities Seniors In Fort Lauderdale Can Safely Do As Sheltering In Place Continues

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Shelter in place orders have changed the way we interact with one another and go about our daily lives. While it’s still permissible to go outside your home for essential activities or exercise, there are important regulations regarding each. For seniors, the shelter in place orders can create even more obstacles to getting regular activity. However, within the Fort Lauderdale area, there are still activities seniors can safely take part in. 

Visit Parks

Seniors in the Fort Lauderdale area can still visit parks, although there are some restrictions to keep social distancing guidelines. Group sports won’t be allowed, although biking, walking, running, and other solo activities are allowed. 

Individuals are welcome to modify their typical activities to meet the guidelines. For example, park visitors can play pickleball, but only as an individual sport. Boating and kayaking will also be allowed, although single kayaks rather than group kayaks will be used. 


Physical fitness is another way seniors can remain active during shelter in place orders. Gyms and other public fitness facilities are closed in large part, although seniors can exercise outdoors. It’s still fine to get outside and exercise, whether it’s in the yard, at a park, or in the driveway, or other areas outside of the home. 

Any regular exercise activity that allows for social distancing is encouraged to allow seniors to stay mentally and physically fit. It’s a good time to enjoy the spring weather and get some fresh air, while still remaining safe and on the property of your home. 

Go to the grocery store

Groceries stores are open as they provide an essential service, and people still need access to food, medicine, and other essentials. A few precautions go a long way when it comes to staying safe from the Coronavirus. The first thing you can do is avoid touching your face. The face provides a point of entry if you come in contact with the virus, so wait to touch your face until you’ve washed your hands. Always wash hands for 20 seconds after shopping, and maintain social distance by staying six feet apart from other shoppers. 

It’s also best to leave your reusable bags at home and use plastic bags from the store. While it may sound counter intuitive, single use plastic bags are actually less likely to be contaminated. 

Seniors should take advantage of special shopping hours. Many stores designate early morning areas for senior shoppers, and those higher at risk from the virus. Simply by shopping during these special hours, you can avoid crowds, more effectively social distance yourself from others, and still get the essentials you need. 


Stay at home and shelter in place orders are changing the way we all go about our daily lives. For vulnerable populations such as seniors, it’s especially important to maintain safety during daily activities. Seniors can still take part in recreation, visit parks and engage in certain activities, and even safely go to the store for things they need. The most important thing to remember is to follow guidelines set forth by health officials, and maintain distance from others. 

If you or a loved one are in need of assistance with home care in Fort Lauderdale, give us a call to see how we can help.