Enfield, Connecticut
276 Hazard Ave #3, Enfield, CT 06082
(860) 375-3147
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Call (860) 375-3147 | 276 Hazard Ave #3, Enfield, Connecticut 06082 |
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Senior Care is a Family Issue

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Enfield, Connecticut.

In Home Senior Care Services Are A Family Issue In Enfield, CT

Getting family members involved when choosing in home senior care services can ensure your loved one in Enfield, CT gets to best care for their unique needs.

Most individuals become more vulnerable as they age. For many, this is a result of health issues that impact physical and cognitive functions. For others, it is the loss of mobility or a driver's license. Others, still, may (or feel) truly alone as family members and friends move or pass away. When seniors face these changes, the support and love of family members is needed more than ever.

Three out of four seniors over the age of 65 need some degree of help with at least one area of daily living; half need support in two or more areas. Sadly, many seniors feel embarrassed to ask for help and may have difficulty expressing their needs. Therefore, it is important that family members are there to stick up and advocate for their senior loved one.

When seniors require in-home support to remain independent and age in place, family members often take on the role of a family caregiver. This is one way to make in home senior care services a family issue, but family members do not need to move to play a pivotal role in care.

Many family members simply cannot be there physically due to geographic restrictions, schedule conflicts, and other family responsibilities. Others lack the physical capacity to provide the necessary care. Despite these challenges, however, senior care is a family issue. Family members can help the senior choose an in-home care service that best meets their unique needs. Since they know the senior the best, they can help match the senior with a caregiver who shares their likes, dislikes, passions, and outlook on life. They can also share critical information about the senior's condition.

Most importantly, when in home senior care services are a family issue, aging adults have the peace of mind that comes from knowing they are not alone in their struggles. Few things offer more confidence and peace than knowing there is support and backup when needed.

For more information about in home senior care services or the many ways Comfort Keepers services and supports can benefit your senior loved one, contact a senior home care coordinator today.