Home Health Services for Families in Longview, TX
by Matt Clinnard
Tens of millions of American seniors receive help and support from family members in order to remain independent and safely reside in the comfort of their own homes. Many family caregivers find that they do not have the training, strength, endurance, or time to provide their senior loved one with the best possible care. Additionally, the majority of family caregivers find that long-term caregiving erodes their own physical and mental health.
Despite the challenges associated with care, family caregivers remain steadfast in their service. Why? Because they are family. Perhaps they don't have all of the resources or answers, but family looks after each other through thick and thin and they don't give up when times are tough. The good news is that today, family caregivers can have the best of both worlds. With Comfort Keepers home health services, family members can continue to provide support to their loved one, but they do not have to do it alone.
Comfort Keepers home health services does not replace family caregivers (although full-time and comprehensive care options are available). Instead, home health services are designed to enhance the care and support provided by family members.
The Support of Home Health Services
In addition to an extra set of hands and a strong set of arms, home health services also provide:
Informational Support – family caregivers may not fully understand the physical, mental, or emotional changes their senior loved one has gone through or the progression that they will face. Due to the immense pressure of simply keeping up with care, many family caregivers do not have the time to do the research they would like, either. Comfort Keepers home health services providers will gladly share their own knowledge, or they can cover a shift while a family caregiver takes a class, goes to a support group, etc.
Communication Support – many times it is hard for family members to talk with each other, especially when it comes to the very hard topics of life. Not being a family member gives home health services providers an advantage when it comes to addressing sensitive topics, after all, they do not have all the emotions, history, and personal connections that make those conversations so hard. Caregivers are also able to share communication skills and tactics for dealing with seniors who are going through challenging behavior adjustments due to their condition (as with dementia, Alzheimer's, ALS, and so forth).
Tips, Tricks, and Technology – most family members become a caregiver in the blink of an eye. They don't have special training or experience. Professional caregivers can teach the tricks of the trade and provide useful tips that not only make the job easier, but it can often make things safer for both the senior and the caregiver. Home health services staff are also aware of the latest and greatest in at-home technology supports, many of which can make a world of difference in a senior's life.
In short, there is no substitute for family. Yet, when it comes to the most efficient and effective care for a senior loved one, family members often need help. Comfort Keepers home health services provide that help.