Community Resources for Seniors Needing a Home Care Assistant in Hickory, NC and the Surrounding Area
Learn how a home care assistant can help your loved one take advantage of community resources in Hickory, NC
You may have ended up on our page while looking for a home care assistant for your senior parent. Great! We can help them maintain their independence, but to truly ensure they can continue living in the comfort of their home as they age, your senior parent will need help from their community. That is why we compiled this list of community resources available to older adults in Hickory, NC.
Check out the list below for a specific type of home care assistant that can help with other areas of life. Understand that this is not a complete list of resources available to older adults in Hickory, NC and the surrounding areas. If you need more information, call us at (828) 202-3009.
Government Resources
City of Conover | 828-464-1191 |
City of Hickory | 828-323-7412 |
City of Lincolnton | 704-736-8980 |
City of Maiden | 828-428-5000 |
City of Newton | 828-695-4300 |
Senior Community Resources
Catawba County Social Services | 828-695-5600 |
Catawba County Council Aging | 828-328-2269 |
Banks and Finance
Woodforest National Bank Conover | 828-464-9201 |
Peoples Bank Conover | 828-464-8456 |
First Federal Savings Bank | 704-735-0416 |
Carolina Trust Bank | 704-735-1104 |
Self Help Credit Union | 828-428-9928 |
Medical Resources
Catawba Valley Psychiatric Services | 828-326-2828 |
Frye Regional Medical Center | 828-315-5000 |
Parks & Museums
Northside/Broyhill Park | 828-695-4317 |
St Stephens Park & Dog Park | 828-441-7277 |
Hickory Museum of Art | 828-327-8576 |
Hickory Aviation Museum | 828-323-1963 |
Catawba Science Center | 828-322-8169 |
Catawba County Museum of History | 828-465-0383 |
Some of these organizations you may have taken for granted that they were always there. Some you may never have considered utilizing. Still others you may have never heard of. This is perfectly fine – it all depends on your stage in life and your needs at the time. No matter what, all of these groups are ready and willing to assist you.
Here in Hickory, we love being your home care assistant because we live in a helping community. If one organization can’t assist you, they’ll be happy to refer you to one who can. Here are some types of organizations you can find right here in Catawba County.
Financial Assistance Groups – There’s always one organization that can offer financial assistance to those who meet certain income standards through food stamps and Medicaid. There are also food banks to help those who can’t afford enough. Finally, there may even be private charitable groups that sometimes offer one-time assistance to low-income households for specific needs like utility bills.
Health Care Groups – Hospitals, clinics, and other public health organizations are all wonderful resources and well-funded by the government or other sources. If you need assistance, be sure to reach out for support.
Religious Groups – Our Hickory area religious groups proudly live their faith. Not only do they offer spiritual support, but some also provide monetary assistance depending on the cause.
For any questions, please call us at (828) 202-3009.