Greensboro, North Carolina
1932 Fleming Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410
(336) 252-4429
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1932 Fleming Rd, Greensboro, North Carolina 27410

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Bone Health Through Nutrition

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Fight Osteoporosis With Diet Options For Seniors That Caregivers Can Add To Their Shopping List in Greensboro, NC

If you’re like so many other people, you’ve probably seen or heard the word osteoporosis and you may have an idea what it means but, how much do you really know? Can you ensure your senior loved one is eating a diet that can help with prevention?

Give us a call at (336) 252-4429 to learn more!

What You Need To Know

Osteoporosis is a common disease that is cause when the body loses minerals faster than they can be replaced, causing bones to become fragile and more prone to fractures. This loss of bone thickness can happen to any bone and often there are no warning signs before a fracture occurs.

Osteoporosis is called the ‘silent disease’ for this reason.

Repeated fractures over time can cause a number of health issues including loss of independence or mobility, chronic pain, and even death in extreme cases.  

Calcium: Strengthen Your Bones

So now that you know a bit more about osteoporosis, how can you help your senior prevent it? A good place to start is by making sure they include plenty of calcium rich foods in their diet or encouraging them to take a supplement.

Like exercise, this is a way to strengthen bones of any age!

Some of the most commonly cited calcium rich foods are dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt but, those are just the beginning! Other calcium rich products include:

  • Almond Milk: it has 2x more calcium than cow’s milk!
  • Veggies: spinach, okra, collards, white beans, and kale
  • Calcium Fortified Foods: breakfast cereal, oatmeal, and some orange juices
  • Fish: sardines, salmon, trout, and perch

Vitamin D: The Key To Calcium Absorption

Vitamin D is essential to calcium absorption. When the body doesn’t get enough vitamin D it cannot produce enough of the hormone called calcitriol (known as Active Vitamin D), leading to insufficient calcium absorption. When this happens the body will take from exiting calcium stores within bones, preventing the formation of new, strong bone.

There are three ways you can get vitamin D: through skin from sun exposure, from supplements, and through diet.

Recommended vitamin D rich foods include:

  • Egg yolks
  • Fortified foods like cereals, some dairy products, or soy milk
  • Orange juice
  • Beef liver

Is That Everything?

A nutritious diet with plenty of calcium and vitamin D is just one step in an osteoporosis prevention or treatment plan, and it may not mitigate all outside factors. Things like menopause, medications, or lifestyle choices can all affect bone health. A doctor can determine if there is a need for osteoporosis medication in addition to dietary changes.  

Comfort Keepers® Commitment To Quality Personal Care

At Comfort Keepers®, we know that there just aren’t always enough hours in the day to take care of your senior loved one, your family at home, and yourself. That’s where one of our compassionate caregivers can step in to help!

Our caregivers can help ensure your loved one is eating a healthy diet rich in all the vitamins and minerals they need to stay fit and active, as well as so much more. We accomplish this through our unique approach to personal care called Interactive Caregiving™.

What this essentially means is, we will support your senior physically, mentally, and socially in order to promote their independence and wellbeing. Seniors take an active role in their care by working with their caregiver to design meal plans, social calls, and other activities that they can look forward to in order to empower them to do more than view.

If you’d like to learn more about how our caregivers can help your senior improve their bone health through Interactive Caregiving™, please contact us online or call us at (336) 252-4429. Our operators are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have and schedule your free in home consultation.

Contact Us Today!     (336) 252-4429