Saint Paul, Minnesota
275 East 4th Street, Suite 345, Saint Paul, MN 55101
(651) 796-2540
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Caring for Aging Parents: 5 Helpful Tips

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

There is a range of reasons you may decide to care for an aging parent at home rather than move them to a care facility. But caring for elderly relatives or aging parents at home has its concerns; it can be emotionally and physically draining, and financially stressful. 

Providing care can quickly become a full-time job and is often undertaken by well-intentioned family caregivers who do not have proper training to effectively provide the right care over a long period. As a result, caregivers can find themselves overly tired, suffering from emotional burnout and compassion fatigue, and unable to cope with day-to-day tasks. 

That you are committed to leading the care for an aging parent is commendable, and we’ve put together these five tips that may help you be safe and successful.

Recognize your limits

The nature of care work means that it will only get more demanding as your loved one’s health shows decline; for example, lifting out of bed or a chair or needing toileting assistance. If you have obligations outside of providing care, you could end up taking on more than you can handle while the need for care increases. To be a safe caregiver, you first need to take care of yourself or risk finding yourself unable to provide the level of support you want to provide.

Ask for help

When you reach your physical or emotional limits,  ask for help. If you don’t want to ask for help caring for your parent, ask for help in other aspects of your life. Even seemingly mundane household tasks, like a cleaning service to help tidy the home or a service to deliver groceries to the home can dramatically free up your schedule and save you time and energy. You can use affordable professional care services to provide in-home support if necessary; Meals-on-Wheels services help with nutritious meal deliveries, and professional caregivers can help with a wide range of support and skilled personal care services when you need them. 

Arrange to take a break

Taking regular breaks will help prevent compassion fatigue and allow you to fully relax and be renewed and recharged for your caregiver duties. Arrange well in advance for other family members to take over your care duties for a week or two. You need to take a break away from home so you aren’t drawn back into your role as a caregiver. Respite care, from a professional in-home care agency can also provide you with the breaks you need to be healthy and successful.  

Get financial aid

Caring for a loved one at home can be a financial burden, even if it can be less expensive than an assisted living facility. Medical bills, medical equipment, and adapting your home to be safe can involve additional or recurring costs. Check to see if you qualify for government aid programs or for Medicaid or Medicare, or veteran’s benefits can help with the cost of in-home care. You may even be able to take an hourly salary as a full- or part-time caregiver through an agency, which could ease the financial burden. 

Prepare their space

Ensure your parents’ home is free from clutter, loose carpets and rugs, uneven floorboards, packing boxes, electrical cords, and other hazards that could cause them to trip. This will reduce the chance of your senior parent falling and give you peace of mind when you aren’t with them. You might need to add handrails to stairs or move them to a main floor in the home permanently. In the long run, this will save both you and them a lot of stress and help prevent falls that can lead to potentially very serious injuries.  

Learn more about Comfort Keepers

Caring for an aging loved one can be challenging! At Comfort Keepers, we are experts in providing family caregivers with the support they need to effectively take care of an aging loved one at home. For information about how we can help; call (651) 372-8736

Daughter putting hands on shoulders of seated motherThat you are committed to leading the care for an aging parent is commendable, and Comfort Keepers is here to help you be safe and successful.