Clinton Twp, Michigan
42621 Garfield Rd #101b, Clinton Twp, MI 48038
(586) 200-6712
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42621 Garfield Rd #101b, Clinton Twp, Michigan 48038

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Assisted Living Alternatives To Nursing Homes

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Clinton Twp, Michigan.

Assisted Living Alternatives To Nursing Homes Throughout Clinton Township, MI

As the popularity of nursing homes continues to drop, the number of options to support independent living grows

It is crucial for many seniors to retain as much independence as possible throughout their golden years.  As the stringent environment of nursing facilities loses popularity, the number of assisted living alternatives continues to grow.  However, what options are best for your senior loved one depends on their support needs, and level of desired independence.

Give us a call at (586) 200-6712 to learn more!

Support for your family only takes 

 a call or a click 

Home Care

With the assistance of a personal caregiver or a certified nursing provider, senior loved ones can receive care wherever they call home.  This includes support for those in senior housing communities, independent living communities, and assisted living facilities.


  • Basic or specialized medical and non-medical services are available, which typically can be personalized to the senior

  • Full autonomy over schedule and care provided

  • Ability to remain in a place that is familiar and close to friends and loved ones


  • May need to make home modifications to increase safety, including the installation of grab bars or safety monitoring equipment and the rearranging of furniture

  • Seniors have a greater chance of feeling isolated if not encouraged to remain socially and physically active

  • Seniors with greater medical needs may not have the equipment required or medical professionals available for care in the home

Senior Housing & Independent Living Communities

These assisted living alternatives include apartments and other residential housing communities that are typically only available for those 55+.


  • Recreational facilities are available to support your loved one’s social and physical needs

  • Transportation is available to allow more freedom

  • Some care services are available for a fee; best for seniors that require little support aging in place


  • Does not support seniors that require daily assistance to age in place; may require additional services from a home care provider

  • Seniors that continue to require more support, especially medical support, may have to eventually move

  • New environment to get used to; not the home they grew up or raised a family in

Assisted Living Facility

Housing available to seniors that is part of a single complex with a common dining and recreational area; does not require a note from a physician.


  • Personal care services available, as well as some basic medical supervision or assistance

  • Within an easily accessible community of other seniors to interact with

  • Better security and consistency in supervision


  • Seniors are typically restricted to the schedule of the facility

  • Transportation may be offered for a fee, require certain permissions, and be limited only to certain destinations

  • The level of quality care and support is highly determined by the size of the facility and the number of staff

Find The Care You Need

Finding an assisted living alternative that is right for your loved one depends on their current and future support needs, and desired level of independence.  Seniors with limited daily support that continue to remain socially and physically active can highly benefit from a senior apartment or independent living community.  However, those that require daily personal care or basic medical care may be best suited for the advantages of home care or assisted living facilities.

Comfort Keepers is proud to provide the option of home care to seniors.  Be it at their Clinton Township, MI home, residential living community, or at a care facility.  Give us a call today to learn more, our team is ready to discuss the best assisted living alternatives for your family.

Contact Us Today!     (586) 200-6712