Oviedo, Florida
1750 W Broadway St, Ste 101, Oviedo, FL 32765
(407) 542-7821
Would you like to save Oviedo, Florida as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (407) 542-7821 | 1750 W Broadway St, Ste 101, Oviedo, Florida 32765
1750 W Broadway St, Ste 101, Oviedo, Florida 32765

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Trusted In-Home Senior Care Serving Oviedo

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care of Oviedo.


What People Are Saying About Comfort Keepers®

Hundreds of people every day discover the exceptional brand of in-home care provided by Comfort Keepers—from seniors and their families to the exceptionally caring people who discover Comfort Keepers and choose to become a Comfort Keeper® themselves.

Employee Stories from Comfort Keepers Oviedo

One of our clients lives alone, and his dog is his best friend and constant companion.  This gentleman came down with a serious infection and entered a rehabilitation facility for intense treatment. 

He did not want his dog to be boarded while he was away from home, so we brought the dog into our office.  He stayed in our office during the day, and the CEO and his wife took him home with them at night.  It was fun to play with the dog during the day, and we would hold the phone up to the dog’s ear when the client called, so he could hear his master’s voice. 

We were able to convince the rehabilitation facility to allow us to bring the dog to him for visits.  When they saw what a difference in his spirit the dog’s presence made, they allowed the dog to stay with him all the time, as long as a Comfort Keeper was there to care for the dog.  Since we were in attendance, the facility was willing to allow him to keep the door to his room closed, which was also his preference. 

Our client was now happier, calmer, and more readily entered into his prescribed therapy.  A week later, they returned home together.  It is so nice to see them both home and doing well together.

He was so appreciative that we considered his dog’s welfare while he was away from home. But, of course, it was the client’s welfare that was uppermost in our mind.  We really do treat our clients as if, they are a member of our own family. 

~ Joan MacDonald

My client was a gentleman who used to talk to me about when he was younger and how he and his wife would travel to different countries. They love seeing all the different sites.

They started collecting spoons and had a bunch he would show me. He always told me I could travel the world like he did. He would always tell me everything is possible in life if I worked hard.

That’s what pushed me to further my education. One day after all this hard work and school is done I’m going to travel and see different things in the world like he was able to do.

~ Eveliz Martinez

I loved working for Comfort Keepers Oviedo! I was able to help so many amazing people while working here, and I will never forget the memories I made with my clients and coworkers. From running blood pressure clinics at assisted living facilities to baking rice pudding for the holidays with a widowed client.

My favorite memories involve a 30-year-old woman confined to a wheel chair due to a muscular degenerative disease. As a caregiver, my skills were never challenged as much as when I was helping this wonderful young lady.

From practicing patience, to perfecting hair styling, to taking her swimming, I was able to help her continue to live her life the way she wanted to. Of course, it wasn't all hard work.

Many times, we would lounge around and watch TV, go to the mall, visit her old college, and go out to eat. We would have parties with her parents, visit with her sister and grandmother, and celebrate the good news of her brother's wedding.

When I first met this client, I was worried I would not be able to provide her with the services she needed, mainly getting her from bed to chair to bathroom and shower, but after talking with her and getting to know her on that first day, I challenged myself to accept this client and be the kind of caregiver she needed, and the rewards of that hard work and play will never be forgotten.

I also had the privilege of meeting her primary caregiver, who helped me immensely by training me and acquainting me with everything I needed to know, in order to do a great job.

Now that I'm living out of state, I still keep in touch with my old client and her primary caregiver. They are both near and dear to my heart, and so is Comfort Keepers Oviedo. Thank you, Tony and Gina, for giving me the opportunity to work for such an extraordinary organization!

~ Lisa Moser

As a Comfort Keeper I’ve had so many positive experiences with our clients. I enjoy the long talks and the good feeling I have after every shift. I enjoy working for Comfort Keepers.

~ Cherline Collott

My good experience was with a lovely lady. I love taking care of her she and I become friends. We had great conversation and I learned a lot from her.

~ Synthia Raymond

I wish to acknowledge the superb contributions to my mother's safety and well-being made by the people of Comfort Keepers. Not only did you arrange for her care on very short notice, but every caregiver who came to the house was well prepared for her difficult work. Every one of them was compassionate and skilled and added a unique touch to her care.


I want to personally thank you for taking care of my mom during her last days. Your time with her was special and helped make her comfortable. I have a newfound respect for the care you give people. You are truly special.


Thank you so much for the assistance you gave us. We were at the end of our rope and didn't know who to turn to. We knew Dad didn't want to go to a nursing home, but we couldn't stay with him 24/7 and carry on with our lives. I was going to quit my job so I could stay with him when Comfort Keepers came into our lives. You were a Godsend.