Temecula, California
41593 Winchester Rd #200, Temecula, CA 92590
(951) 401-4045
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41593 Winchester Rd #200, Temecula, California 92590

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At-Home Care in Murrieta

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Temecula, California.

At-Home Care in Murrieta

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Virtual or In-Home Assessment

Care Plan Creation with the Client Care Coordinator

Assigned a Care Team

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Primary Caregivers Face Fatigue

The average caregiver will spend nearly 24 hours per week caring for the person they love. The receiver of this care is usually elderly, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to perform the tasks necessary to live independently. The primary caregiver is then responsible for taking care of those areas of the seniors' lives that they themselves are unable to manage.

These obligations of taking care of that loved one can leave primary caregivers feeling burned out and exhausted from what is known as compassion fatigue. In order to give your loved one the type of care you know they need and deserve, you need to be at your best. That's why it's important to have assistance so you may take the time off you need to recharge. 

What is Compassion Fatigue?

Care and empathy have no limits, but repetitive stress can bind the average person’s emotions, tiring them out with continuous exertion. Compassion fatigue occurs when a caregiver overexerts themselves mentally, emotionally, and physically; this typically happens when the caregiver doesn’t take the time to rest and recharge themselves. 

Compassion fatigue can hit a caregiver fast, especially when the caregiver has no choice but to take on the primary caregiver role for their senior. The best thing to do is to look for at-home care in Murrieta to help before the exhaustion begins. 

At-Home Care Can Give You Help

Fatigue is a natural part of being a full-time caregiver for a family member. Getting at-home care allows you to keep up with your regular obligations, get some time away from the stress, and take moments for yourself, all while ensuring your loved one has all the help and support they need to thrive. The fantastic news is that Comfort Keepers' at-home care services can help with all this and more! 

Should You Consider Respite Care? 

Respite care is the shifting of a caregiver’s obligations to someone else to provide the caregiver relief (or respite) for a specified amount of time. Typically, the responsibilities transfer from the primary caregiver to a professional, but family and friends sometimes help too. 

Instead of relying on yourself alone or just a few family members or friends, you can turn to Comfort Keepers for at-home care in Murrieta and surrounding areas. There are so many benefits to getting at-home care for your loved one, but the biggest is probably that it benefits them, too. They are able to spend time with their caregiver and make meaningful connections with them. The more exposure they get to people who care, the better their quality of life is, too. Hiring an at-home caregiver also helps you and your loved one enjoy the time you spend together rather than feeling burdened by it.

Learn More About At-Home Care in Murrieta Today

Comfort Keepers has been elevating the human spirit for over two decades. Our caregivers can help provide respite care options for every circumstance. Contact Comfort Keepers of Temecula today to get more information about our respite care plans and give yourself a break.