Lubbock, Texas
2517 74th St, Lubbock, TX 79423
(806) 687-7800
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Senior Hearing Loss

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Lubbock, Texas.

age related hearing loss

Comfort Keepers In-Home Assisted Living in Lubbock, TX

In-Home Assisted Living from Comfort Keepers for Seniors with Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss is something that millions of seniors struggle with. In-home assisted living makes it easier and safer for seniors to live at home when they have significant hearing loss. The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders states that one in three individuals between 65 and 75 in the United States are living with hearing loss. Additionally, almost fifty percent of seniors who are over 75 have some type of hearing impairment. Hearing loss occurs when someone can’t hear sounds as well as others while deafness is defined as the inability to hear even when sound is amplified.

Even though age-related hearing loss is common in seniors it can happen gradually, and seniors may not realize it is happening. Others may think they have a problem but refrain from telling their loved ones because they are embarrassed. Since hearing loss can worsen if it is left untreated, home care agencies say that it’s essential that you identify whether your senior loved one has this issue. Some of the most common symptoms of hearing loss include:

  • Turning up the television or radio to a high volume
  • Struggling to follow conversations
  • Asking people to repeat themselves
  • Missing phone calls or the doorbell
  • Twisting the neck to attempt to hear sound
  • Muffled hearing
  • Staying away from social events 

How In-Home Assisted Living Helps Seniors with Hearing Loss

In-home assisted living can provide the support and encouragement that seniors with age-related hearing loss need so that they can live safely and comfortably at home and continue to socialize with friends and family. A caregiver from an in-home assisted living agency can suggest adaptive equipment that will make it easier for your senior loved one to be comfortable at home like devices that make it easier for your loved one to hear the telephone, the TV, and other appliances. Doorbells and alarms that flash lights instead of making sounds are also great for seniors with hearing loss.

A caregiver can also go with your senior loved one to the store, the doctor’s office, and social events so that your loved one won’t feel uncomfortable or embarrassed if they can’t hear what people are saying. The caregiver can discreetly help your loved one so that they can be confident interacting with others.

If you have a loved one in Lubbock, TX who is experiencing age-related hearing loss and you want to know more about how in-home assisted living can help your loved one call us today. One of our compassionate caregivers will be glad to answer your questions.