Elder Care Resources & Senior Immunizations
Aug 10, 2017 by Robert Myer
August is National Immunization Awareness Month in Jackson, MS. That makes it an ideal time for seniors to go through their medical records and talk to their doctors about what immunizations they need to have. Getting vaccinated and making sure that they are up to date on their flu shot is a smart way for seniors to prepare for the winter cold and flu season. But it’s not just colds and the flu that can affect seniors. Here’s a quick run down of the vaccines that seniors should have updated:
Pneumonia can quite literally be a killer for seniors. Pneumonia is an infection that causes the air sacs in the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus and make it difficult for an individual to breathe in enough oxygen to reach their bloodstream. Sadly, pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in seniors. Even seniors who recover can have a very hard time getting well. Recovery can take months and seniors may need elder care resources like home caregivers in order to fully recover.
If a senior citizen had a pneumonia shot as a child, they are likely still eligible for another one. It should be noted that while the pneumonia vaccine may protect seniors from pneumonia, preventing this condition by quitting smoking and practicing healthy lifestyle habits is essential. Seniors that want to improve their overall health can take advantage of elder care resources that will help them stay healthy throughout the year.
Unfortunately, the flu is not uncommon among the older population. It can bring senior citizens a great deal of discomfort, a slow recovery period, and in some serious cases, death. This holds true because aging leads to a weaker immune system that makes it difficult to fight of illnesses like the flu. The good news is that a yearly flu shot can help older adults avoid this disease.
Diphtheria & Tetanus
In order to protect themselves from Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis, senior citizens should get the TDAP vaccine. Doctors recommend that older adults get this vaccination every 10 years to ensure that they do not develop any of these diseases. The TDAP vaccine can also protect them against Pertussis or the whooping cough which can be hazardous to a senior’s young grandchildren.
Chickenpox & Shingles
If an older adult has never been vaccinated for chicken pox, now is the perfect time for them to be vaccinated. There is a certain vaccine that can actually protect seniors from chickenpox and shingles, a painful rash that often arises in individuals who are age 50 or older. It’s important to note that even though chickenpox and shingles arise from the same bacteria, two separate vaccines are necessary to protect against both diseases. Even if your loved one has been vaccinated before if it’s been five years or more since they were vaccinated they need to be vaccinated again.
Other Vaccinations
Since every older adult has a unique medical history seniors should take the time to sit down with their doctor and determine which other vaccinations make sense for them. A doctor may recommend a vaccine for Mumps, Measles, Meningitis, and Hepatitis A and B.
Vaccinations are a fast and effective way for seniors to stay healthy. Many vaccinations don’t even require a doctor’s office visit because they can be given at a drugstore or senior center. And most vaccinations are fully covered by Medicare and other insurance plans so there are no out of pocket costs. There’s just no reason why seniors shouldn’t get their vaccinations updated this month.
When your senior loved one in Jackson, MS needs to make sure that their vaccinations are current or needs some extra help getting to the doctor or the drugstore to update those vaccinations talk to one of our customer supporter specialists to find out what elder care resources are available to help them.