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4 Ways to Support Increased Outdoor Activities for Seniors With Limited Mobility

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

4 Ways to Increase Outdoor Activities for Seniors With Limited Mobility

The value of inspiring and supporting outdoor activities

Connecting with nature is essential in life. Excessive amounts of time sitting down indoors negatively affects mental and physical health. By encouraging seniors with limited mobility to get outside, their range of comfort and abilities expand to include various activities that improve their wellbeing.

Offer inspiration

It is best to start slow when encouraging a person who has limited mobility to go outside when they are hesitant to leave the comfort of home. A great idea suggested by AgingCare, is to offer a seat by an open window where the breeze can be felt, and where the outdoors can be visibly observed. Feeling the fresh air and seeing nature could inspire future outdoor exploration.

Transition gently

For seniors with limited mobility, slowly developing a comfortable outdoor routine is necessary. Sitting under a covered porch or patio supports a slow transition to increased levels of outdoor activities. To increase intensity, try a walk to the mailbox, taking pictures together, or sharing a cup of tea together on the porch.

If you look to expand beyond the house…

  • Walk around a lake

  • Read together at a park

  • Go to an outdoor performance

  • Pick fruit at a berry farm

  • Take a pet to the dog park

  • Have a picnic together

Consider the health benefits

Vitamin D is a commonly mentioned benefit of getting more sun. It only takes a few minutes of sunlight to satisfy a person’s required intake of Vitamin D for the day. Further, Vitamin D can decrease symptoms of anxiety or depression. Of course, physical health is also supported by outdoor activities that keep the body moving, like gardening, fishing or taking a walk.

Be prepared for the risks

With sun exposure comes a need for precautions such as sunscreen and proper hydration. Further, for seniors with limited mobility, proper mobility support equipment will decrease risk factors. Mobility aids may be a physical object like a cane, or a wheelchair, or simply another person that physically supports the senior as they walk. If the mobility aid of choice seems like it needs to be adjusted or updated, consult a medical professional to discuss alternative options.

Inspire and Support

All people need a balance of time indoors and outdoors. For seniors with limited mobility, a boost of inspiration, a gentle transition, and proper support ensures that they will feel encouraged to get outside.


AgingCare, Encouraging a Senior with Limited Mobility to Get Outside, web 2022