Comfort Keepers Senior At Home Caregivers Services in Spring Lake, Muskegon, MI, and the Surrounding Areas: Hearing Loss and Senior Citizens
Comfort Keepers Senior At Home Caregivers Services discuss the importance of dealing with hearing loss as early on as possible in Spring Lake, MI
What Does It Mean to Be Deaf?
One of the most confused words and its definition is “deaf.” Many people think that the word deaf simply means anyone who has trouble hearing or cannot hear completely. Our senior at home caregiver services team want people to know that the term actually means that an individual has a complete loss of hearing or can hear very little at all.
Typically, the terms hearing impaired and hard of hearing are used to describe other types of hearing loss that may occur in individuals. For instance, hearing impaired refers to those individuals who have any type of hearing loss and hard of hearing describes those who have a mild to moderate hearing level.
How Being Deaf Affects Elderly People in the US and Around the World
The statistics about being deaf and elderly people in the US and around the world are shocking. In fact, WHO completed a study that showed that more than half of the adults with a disabling hearing loss are 65 and older. This comes out to a total of about 164.5 million individuals. Many of the clients that our senior at home caregiver services professionals deal with are dear or have little/no hearing.
Unfortunately, the statistics also showed that disabling hearing loss in those age 65 and older is unequally distributed around the world with some groups and cultures experiencing it more than others.
How to Identify if Your Loved One May Be Experiencing Sign of Deafness
If you think that your loved one may be experiencing hearing loss, our senior at home caregiver services professionals urge you that it is important to have them checked by an audiologist, but before you do, there are some signs that your loved one will display prior to that. Some of the warning signs include:
· Talking on the phone and hearing someone on the other end becomes difficult
· Trouble understanding conversations in crowds
· Reading lips rather than listening
· Watching TV or listening to the radio too loudly
· Other people seem to mumble more often and frequently than before
· Asking people to repeat themselves numerous times
· Speaking too loudly
Solutions That May Be Available to Your Loved One
There are a number of senior at home caregiver services solutions that are available to your loved one, should they experience problems with their hearing. One of the most common solutions is a hearing aid and this assistive device can work wonders for your loved one. He or she will be able to control the volume easily to adapt to their surroundings.
Other assistive devices do exist that will allow your loved one to talk on the phone, watch TV, or listen to those around them without any issues.
If you would like to discuss care for your hearing impaired loved one, please call Comfort Keepers today.