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(616) 846-5890
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Senior Immunizations

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Spring Lake, Michigan.

Senior Assistance Services from Comfort Keepers in Spring Lake, Muskegon, MI, and the Surrounding Areas

How can senior assistance services help your loved one keep up with their immunizations in Spring Lake, MI?

Now that it’s August and National Immunization Awareness Month, senior assistance should take the time to educate themselves on the types of immunizations available to them. Immunizations can help them live healthier, happier lives and reduce their risk of ending up in the emergency room or getting hospitalized. Below is a brief list of the top immunizations for senior citizens:


Influenza Vaccine

The influenza vaccine is essential for people of all ages, especially older adults. This is because they have weaker immune systems than younger individuals and can easily catch the flu by talking to someone who is sick. The influenza vaccine should be received once a year.


Pneumococcal Vaccine

Also known as pneumonia, pneumococcal disease occurs when bacteria infects the lungs, brain, and blood. The pneumococcal vaccine is recommended to seniors over the age of 65 one time. If they were vaccinated prior to the age of 65, they should receive an additional dose after they turn 65.


Shingles Vaccine

Thanks to the shingles vaccine, seniors can cut their chances of getting this painful skin rash in half. Doctors suggest that older adults 60 and over get the shingles shot regardless of whether they’ve had a shingles outbreak in the past.


Hepatitis B Vaccine

Due to the fact that hepatitis B is incurable and can lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis and in more serious cases, death, the hepatitis B vaccine is a must for all senior adults. It’s a three shot series that’s been around since the 1980s and can protect older adults from this incredibly infectious disease.


Tdap Vaccine

The tdap vaccine is given in order to prevent tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. It is often a single shot and highly recommended to people of all ages, including seniors. Tetanus usually enters someone’s bloodstream through a severe open cut, wound, or burn and can take some someone’s life.

Older adults should understand that all of these vaccines are safe and can save them a great deal of pain and money in the future. They are just as important to their overall health as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Just like filling their bodies with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, regular vaccinations can also play a key role in keeping them healthy. They are one of the easiest, most affordable, and convenient preventative care measures that seniors should not overlook.