Spring Lake, Michigan
18000 Cove St #203, Spring Lake, MI 49456
(616) 846-5890
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Managing Vision Loss in Spring Lake

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Spring Lake, Michigan.

Helping Your Senior Loved One Manage Vision Loss with Senior Home Assistance in Spring Lake, Muskegon, MI, and the Surrounding Areas

Learn more about our senior home assistance services in Spring Lake, MI

Has your senior loved one in Spring Lake, MI recently begun suffering from reduced or impaired vision?

A reduction or temporary loss of vision is an experience that can leave your loved one feeling isolated. For many seniors 65 and older who are permanently losing their vision, daily routines become challenges and quality of life begins to diminish. In fact, vision loss is one of the leading factors to elderly disability and loss of independence. But while getting older increases your odds of vision loss, it should not be considered a normal. Learn more about how our senior home assistance can help.

What Are The Effects Of Vision Loss?

Vision loss has a significant effect on daily activities, but often overlooked is it’s effect on physical and mental health, this is where senior home assistance can help. Often overlooked with vision loss is not only its effect on daily activities but also on physical and mental health. Studies have shown that older persons with vision loss suffer from higher instances of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke in comparison to those with non-impaired vision. This can be directly attributed to a lack of vision and the diminishing ability to prepare meals and be physically active because of it. Compared to seniors with full vision, seniors suffering from vision loss are over three times more likely to have trouble walking and go outside.

Seniors with vision loss also report a higher level of anxiety and depression in comparison to their non-impaired counterparts. Newer research suggests that anxiety and depression also contribute to a lack of daily activity and social interaction, creating a cycle where the vision loss causes depression, which negatively affects physical health, which causes more depression, and so on.

How Can Your Senior Loved One Manage Vision Loss?

Thanks to the research and information we have about vision loss and the issues it causes, doctors can prescribe rehabilitation and various other steps to help seniors manage their vision loss. Consult doctors at your local Spring Lake eye clinic, such as Eye Care One, for more information, checkups, and tips. And with the assistance of family, friends and caregivers such as those with Comfort Keepers in Spring Lake, visually-impaired seniors can live normal lives. To learn more, please contact us so we can answer all your questions about senior home assistance services.