Personal Care Assistants from Comfort Keepers in Spring Lake, Muskegon, MI, and the Surrounding Areas
Learn how our personal care assistants can help prevent dehydration in Spring Lake, MI
Is your senior loved one getting enough to eat and drink? Loss of appetite and dehydration are very common among seniors. It is important to understand why your senior loved one may lose their will to eat or drink so that you can help prevent dehydration or malnourishment, which are keys to happy and healthy lives.
What Causes Appetite Loss & Dehydration?
There are quite a few reasons that seniors lose their appetite or become dehydrated or malnourished - many causes which are exacerbated in the summer when it's very hot and loved ones are busy, without time to eat with their senior.
Energy required to cook
Loss of sensitivity in taste buds and thirst receptors
Disinterest in eating alone
Diseases or illnesses
Lack of financial resources
How Can You Tell If Your Loved One Is Dehydrated or Malnourished?
Dry skin
Dark urine
How Can You Help Increase Your Loved One's Appetite?
It is important for your loved one to maintain a strong appetite to avoid malnutrition and illness, but how can you or a personal care assistant help? Many doctors recommend an exercise regimen to help build up thirst and appetite. Encouraging your senior loved one to eat WITH someone - a family member, personal care assistant, or a friend - which has proved to increase food and drink intake. (Social eating also has the perk of decreasing loneliness as well.) If you suspect there may be something serious going on with your loved one's hormonal and nutrient balance - consult your loved one's doctor or dentist. Are dentures getting in the way of eating and drinking? Are side effects of certain medications causing problems?
There are also many foods that can help your loved one maintain their hydration as well as their appetite. The following foods are at least 80% water, and will keep them hydrated:
Bell Peppers
It can be very difficult to be around to make sure that your loved one is staying hydrated and nourished, especially during the summer months in Michigan. Allow Comfort Keepers personal care assistant to assist your family, and we can help ensure that your loved one is drinking plenty of fluids and sticking to a regular, nutritious meal plan.