Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
901 S Federal Hwy, Ste 100, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
(954) 870-4966
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Call (954) 870-4966 | 901 S Federal Hwy, Ste 100, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33316
901 S Federal Hwy, Ste 100, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33316

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Benefits of Home Care During COVID-19

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

During these uncertain times, life as we know it has been challenged. However, our elderly loved ones still need care and assistance, and this cannot be put on hold. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities with high populations and limited staff aren’t always ideal, especially during this challenging time. 

It’s important to get your loved one the care they need, while keeping them safe and protected from the COVID-19. Our home care services in Fort Lauderdale could be just the ticket to keeping them healthy and comfortable. 

Qualified Professional Help Increases Safety from Infection

Professionally trained caregivers help to provide the highest level of care and support. They’re highly knowledgeable on how to properly care for high risk individuals, manage underlying conditions and proper use of personal protective equipment. You can rest assured that they will take all of the necessary steps when it comes to sanitation and taking the proper precautions to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

Personalized Attention

Some underlying medical conditions and diseases put individuals at higher risk of severe cases of COVID-19. Home care professionals are able to focus on your loved one’s specific needs at all times, while allowing them to remain isolated as much as possible to lower their risk of infection 

On the other hand, some home care clients might not need as much attention as others. Home care is best for them as they can get just the right amount of care and help they need, while still being able to social distance as much as possible. Eldery individuals in general are considered to be higher risk, even if they are relatively healthy. 

Maintaining Independence and Normalcy

During this confusing and uncertain time, it’s important to maintain as much normalcy as possible. This is especially important for elderly clients who suffer from dementia and alzheimers. Remaining in the comfort of their own home will provide them with a sense of comfort and routine. 

Peace of Mind for Loved Ones

You’ll feel reassured and confident that your loved one is as safe and healthy as possible with home care. It’s good to know that they are getting the help and assistance that they need while being able to stay home and minimize contact with too many people.

Nursing Home Challenges During Covid-19

In contrast to home care, nursing homes have faced tremendous challenges during Covid-19. Residents and nursing home staff members are sadly proving to be highly susceptible to contracting COVID-19. They are testing positive and dying at much higher rates than others. This is due to many facilities being unprepared to prevent and control the spread of the infection, as well as a severe lack of personal protective equipment and available tests. 

As of May 8th, approximately half of the COVID-19 deaths in the state of California have been nursing home residents and staff. Although nursing homes are banning visitors at this time, it has been a challenge to contain the spread of the virus to their high risk residents and staff. 


Keeping our elderly loved ones safe, comfortable and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic is important to all of us. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are facing many challenges at this time and could put your loved on at risk. Home care is a great way to provide them with personalized care in the comfort of their own home, which is one of the safest places to be when it comes to avoiding infection. 

A highly trained professional caregiver will take care of their unique needs, while taking every precaution to keep them safe and healthy. In times like these, you can never be too careful, and they deserve the best.