Our Home Health Aides Support Seniors in Vacaville, CA and Surrounding Areas During Self-Isolation
Home health aides assist with seniors in need in Vacaville, CA
During the coronavirus outbreak, older citizens are expected to self-isolate and stay at home for their own safety. Although isolation ensures physical protection from the virus, it can take a toll on seniors’ overall wellbeing. It is important to address senior well-being and help our elderly loved ones maintain a positive mental outlook during the pandemic.
Here is what home health aides from Comfort Keepers of Vacaville suggest:
Meeting basic needs – Families should consider online shopping to keep their seniors well-supplied during isolation. If this is not a viable option, primary caregivers, home health aides, and volunteers can help elderly loved ones by performing a number of outdoor activities. This can include running errands, grocery shopping, picking prescriptions from the local pharmacy, and more.
Keeping in touch with loved ones – At a time when we all have to be responsible and practice social distancing, seniors can still stay connected with their families through video calls, Skype, FaceTime, and other platforms.
Staying engaged – There are many ways to avoid boredom, depression, and other effects of isolation during the pandemic. Your loved one can solve puzzles, listen to their favorite music, rekindle their interest in an old hobby, or find a quality streaming service.
Exercise is important – Your senior Mom or Dad should make efforts to stay physically active and get their daily dose of exercise indoors. Some good ideas include yoga, stretching, and dancing. Numerous gyms and fitness professionals offer virtual in-home workouts too.
Eating healthy – Though it may be tempting to eat more salty or sugary snacks while staying at home, encourage your loved one to stick to their healthy diet routine and consume more vegetables, fruit, calcium, whole grains, and protein.
Disinfecting the home – As disinfection of surfaces is highly recommended by medical professionals and home health aides alike, your parent might want to disinfect their home while performing yearly spring cleaning.
Celebrating spring holidays – For Mother’s Day, Easter, and Cinco de Mayo, your loved one can make a special meal, dress up nicely for the occasion, or get in touch with the whole family through a conference call.
Taking the time to enjoy everyday activities – Maintaining ordinary routines can provide a sense of comfort too. Gardening, baking, card games, or reading are some examples of meaningful pastime activities seniors can enjoy.
Should your loved one need additional help at home during self-isolation, you can rely on Comfort Keepers. Our home health aides are well-trained in safety protocols and supplied with necessary protective equipment.
We can be an invaluable resource during these challenging times. Call our local office today to learn more about how we can help.