How to Plan & Pay for Elder Care in Oklahoma City, OK
The cost of elder care depends on the type of care and the degree of assistance provided
If you or your family members aren’t able to consistently check on your parent, hiring a caregiver for them will provide you with some peace of mind. Eldercare providers in Oklahoma City, OK, will assure you and your family that your parent is cared for properly. Our caregivers can update you on the well-being of your loved one so that you are always aware of how well your parent is doing. With elder care, your loved seniors can stay in the comforts of their own homes. It doesn’t matter if your parent simply needs assistance doing everyday chores such as dusting or meal preparation; our caregivers can provide them with the care they need.
The cost of elder care depends on the type of care and the degree of assistance your loved one needs. If you have decided to hire in home senior care in Oklahoma City, OK, there are several ways to pay for in-home care.
One of these is Medicare, just be aware that it applies to long-term care in limited circumstances and does not pay for extended care. Ask about the benefits and limits of Medicare before you choose it for your funding method. Another option is Medicaid if your loved one qualifies for it. If your parent receives Supplemental Security Income, they are likely to qualify for Medicaid automatically. They can also qualify if they have limited income and assets. Long-term care insurance is another option that helps seniors pay the costs of long-term care. Because not all long-term insurance policies are created equal, make sure your loved one knows what they are buying. If your loved one qualifies for Veterans Administration aid, it may help them cover some of the costs of in-home care. Another option is paying out of pocket. The cost of paying for elder care out of pocket can be daunting, but keep in mind that it is far less expensive than paying out of pocket for a nursing home or facility.
If you have any questions about our in-home care or ways of paying for it, contact us at {{phoneNumber}} and we will be happy to guide you.