Indianapolis, Indiana
1335 Sadlier Circle East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46239
(317) 788-0777
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1335 Sadlier Circle East Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46239

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Vision Loss

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Age And Your Eyes

We all know that our bodies change as we continue to age, and one change that many seniors will experience is vision loss or impairment. There are many conditions that can cause vision loss, but some are more prevalent than others. In fact, one kind called Age-related Macular Degeneration, commonly referred to as AMD, is the leading cause of vision loss for people age 50 and over. 

While vision loss is certainly unpleasant and possibly upsetting for many to think about, there are ways you can help combat it. With a few simple changes to diet or lifestyle, seniors and their loved ones can help improve their eye health. 

Give us a call at (317) 788-0777 to learn more

Simple Ways You Can Take Charge Of Your Eye Health

Our eyes are incredibly important, so it makes sense that we want to do what we can to protect them. But, what does that mean exactly? To help take away some of the guesswork, we’ve compiled a list of five easy habits you can start today that will help protect the health of your eyes: 

  • Eat dark, leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, which are high in antioxidants that can help to reduce the progression of macular degeneration.
  • Take antioxidant vitamins and minerals (following a physician-prescribed regimen), which have been linked to lower risks of advanced AMD development.
  • Don’t smoke. Multiple studies have demonstrated a two-and-half to threefold increase in the risk of AMD among smokers.
  • Exercise regularly, which research has found can help to decrease odds for developing AMD.
  • Wear sunglasses outdoors that block UV and blue-ray light, the type of sunlight that may cause eye damage. 

Please, always be sure to talk to your eye doctor about any family history of vision loss or AMD so you can be tested for the condition. 

Why Choose Comfort Keepers®?

The compassionate, professional caregivers of Comfort Keepers® can help seniors and other adults struggling with vision loss or macular degeneration live comfortably at home. Our caregivers can provide as much support as you or your loved one need. This can mean helping with chores around the home, providing transportation, meal preparation, and so much more! 

Another way our caregivers set themselves apart is through our philosophy called Interactive Caregiving™. Interactive Caregiving™ is our unique approach to elevating home care with compassion and providing for mental, physical, and social support for you or your loved one. We believe that seniors should be able to live happily and safely in their homes while still doing the things that they love. 

For seniors experiencing vision loss or AMD, our caregivers will be there to help them follow their prescribed vision care plan, stay safe in their homes, keep eye appointments, and remain in contact with their family, friends, and communities. 

If you’d like to learn more about how to prevent senior vision loss, how our caregivers can provide support for seniors who have vision impairments or AMD, or if you’d like to schedule your free in home consultation, please call us at (317) 788-0777.