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From enjoying time outdoors to hosting friends and loved ones, read about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine for seniors.
How many times growing up did your parents tell you something was “for your own good?” Probably more than you can, or care to, count.
To plan safe holiday gatherings with the seniors in your life this year, Comfort Keepers is here to offer advice and tips for senior safety and well-being.
When we think of the 4th of July, many of us think of past fireworks shows, BBQ’s and family gatherings. While things may look different this year, it is important to remember that we can still celebrate the best of the summer - even while physically distancing at home.
One of the most effective ways to combat the Coronavirus pandemic and its effect on seniors is by practicing self-quarantine.
In-home care is a trusted solution to ensure the safety and wellbeing of seniors. Read more about Comfort Keepers caregivers and our in home care services.
We are honored, for 2 years in a row, we have rated higher for customer service than any other home care provider in Newsweek’s America’s Best Customer Service survey.
This is what elevating the human spirit looks like, and we are proud to live our mission every day.