Lubbock, Texas
2517 74th St, Lubbock, TX 79423
(806) 687-7800
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2517 74th St, Lubbock, Texas 79423

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Dehydration & Appetite Loss

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Lubbock, Texas.

dehydration in seniors

Comfort Keepers In-Home Health Care Services in Lubbock, TX

In-Home Health Care Services Helps Lubbock Seniors Stay Hydrated and Healthy at Home

Dehydration and malnutrition are two of the most common health problems that seniors face. Many seniors don’t eat or drink enough water during the day because they forget, or because they are depressed, or because they just are lonely and don’t want to make meals for themselves. In-home health care services are the perfect way to make sure that your parent or senior loved one in Lubbock is staying hydrated in the Texas heat and is getting enough to eat regularly.

What Causes Appetite Loss & Dehydration?

There are many reasons why seniors don’t eat enough or drink enough during the day:

  • Energy required to cook
  • Loss of sensitivity in taste buds and thirst receptors
  • Disinterest in eating alone
  • Diseases or illnesses
  • Dentures
  • Lack of financial resources
  • Inability to get to Market Street or United to shop.
  • Loss of memory and disorientation which make shopping difficult.

How In-Home Health Care Services Keep Seniors Healthy

Your loved one needs to maintain a strong appetite to avoid malnutrition and illness, and in-home health care services can be a big help with that.  Many doctors recommend an exercise regimen to help build up thirst and appetite. A caregiver can encourage your loved one to exercise regularly and can help them get outside for walks or bike rides. But more than that a home health care worker can keep a close eye on how much your senior loved one is eating and drinking.

 A caregiver can remind your senior loved one to drink water every hour and can make sure there is plenty of clean cold water available as well as juice, sparkling water, or other healthy drinks. And in-home health care services can encourage your senior loved one to eat more by making delicious meals together and making mealtimes fun for your parent or loved one. When your parent or loved one has someone to eat with they are much more likely to eat the amount they should of healthy foods instead of fast food or delivered foods that are easy to prepare but very unhealthy.

If you are worried about your senior loved one in Lubbock, TX eating and drinking enough to stay healthy in the notorious Texas heat call Comfort Keepers today. One of our in-home health care services would be happy to talk with you about the level of care that your senior loved one needs.