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Proper Serving Size for Seniors

Comfort Keepers Home Health Care in Cherry Hill, NJ

Home Health Care For Seniors In Cherry Hill Can Help Seniors With Proper Portion Sizes

Staying at a healthy weight is very important for seniors but it’s very easy for seniors to overeat and to eat the wrong kinds of foods. Who doesn’t love a prepared dinner or a sandwich from Wegman's deli? But eating takeout or prepared foods too often can lead to big health problems. Seniors also tend to eat too much at meals. But a home health care worker can make sure that seniors don’t overdo it when it comes to meals. 

How Home Health Care Helps Seniors Eat Better

Don’t Skip Over Meals

Skipping over meals is a definite no-no. This will cause seniors to be even hungrier later and consume larger serving sizes. Eating three full meals a day is recommended. Seniors should also eat every five hours and home care services will make sure they do. A home health care aid can make sure that seniors are eating regularly throughout the day.

Drink Water Every Day

An easy way to cut back on calories without getting hungry is drinking water. Seniors should drink eight glasses of water each day to stay hydrated. This is especially important for seniors, as they are more at risk of dehydration than younger people. Home caregivers can monitor how much water seniors are drinking and make sure that they drink enough water.

Eat With Smaller Plates

The habit of cleaning their plate and not wasting food is most likely present in most seniors, which can be problematic when using larger plates. The use of smaller plates can counteract this and stop seniors from overeating. A home care aide can help seniors prepare just the right amount of food.

Fill Up On Healthier Foods

Home caregivers can make sure that seniors are eating only healthy snacks. Seniors should fill up on fruits, vegetables, grains, lean protein and food rich in fiber to better fight the need to indulge in unhealthy foods that contain fat and sugar.

Measure Out Servings

Serving sizes should be measured out using measuring tools or help from a home care service to best make sure that the portions are appropriate. Once they get used to the sizes, seniors can then use their eyes to gauge the serving size.

Split Meals At Restaurants

Restaurants typically serve customers with larger-than-normal portions. Seniors should split their meal with somebody or take half of it home rather than eating the whole serving. A home health care worker can go with your senior loved one to restaurants like the British Chip Shop or Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse and make sure that they get their meal divided into two portions so that they don’t eat too much at one sitting.

If you have a loved one in Cherry Hill, NJ and you are concerned about their diet to call us today to find out how home care services can help make sure that your senior loved one is eating a healthy diet every day and not overeating.