Our In Home Caregivers Provide Medication Reminders for Senior Clients in South Denver, CO
Help from an in home caregiver makes taking medication easier for seniors in South Denver, Aurora, Littleton, Greenwood Village, and the surrounding areas
One of the most important aspects of senior home care is medication management. Many seniors and older adults in the United States take more than five prescription medications per day, with the number going as high as twenty prescriptions a day for those living with a chronic condition. Managing this amount of medications on a daily basis can be challenging, especially for seniors who live alone.
If you are worried that your senior loved one often misses their dose of medications or doesn’t properly use their prescriptions, Comfort Keepers can help. With a professional caregiver, your parent can manage their medications with ease.
As part of our senior care programs, we provide medication reminders, making sure that our clients are taking the proper dosage of their medication at the right time. An in home caregiver can remind your parent when and how to take each medication, also offering assistance with reading labels, picking up prescription medications at the local pharmacy, and planning out daily dosages.
A professional care provider will also make sure that your loved one brings their medications with them when they going outdoors or traveling, ensuring their safety and well-being.
A caregiver can also look for signs of medication side effects, notifying family members or medical professionals about any unwanted reactions or effects on the senior’s health. If your parent has special instructions how to take a certain medication, an expert caregiver will make certain that the guidelines are being followed at all times.
For seniors who would like to manage their medications on their own, Comfort Keepers can offer a solution too. Namely, we can offer medication dispenser systems that can support your parent’s independence while also giving you peace of mind that they are taking their medications correctly.
We offer three medication management systems, which provide alerts or notifications whenever your loved one needs to take their medications or if they forget to take them on time. These devices provide maximum security to seniors, facilitate medication use, and reduce the risk of health problems or complications.
If your loved one opts for one of our technological solutions, an in home caregiver can show them how the device of their choice works, also highlighting all its features and benefits. A care expert is also available non-stop to answer your parent’s questions and provide any kind of assistance.
To learn more about our services, please call our office today! We are happy to answer any questions you may have and assist you in choosing the best care solution or your loved one.