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Alzheimer's & Dementia Care

Having the best care for your loved one means understanding the treatments available for them. Comfort Keepers® is here to help you be better equipped to support your senior.

8 Ways to Help Improve Your Brain Health

8 Ways to Help Improve Your Brain Health

Research is ongoing to determine the causes of Alzheimer's disease. Still, scientists agree that the causes probably include several factors like changes in the brain related to aging, the environment, and lifestyle. This tells us that a host of factors beyond genetics may play a role in the development and course of Alzheimer's disease.

Mental HealthAlzheimer's DiseaseDementiaAnxiety & StressNutrition
Alzheimer’s in Seniors & Treatments

Alzheimer’s in Seniors & Treatments

When we think of Alzheimer’s disease, it isn’t uncommon to picture someone who, in the midst of conversing, forgets his or her train of thought, or has trouble remembering a recent event.

Alzheimer's DiseaseDiseasesTreatments
Good Nutrition and Its Impact on Alzheimer's Disease

Good Nutrition and Its Impact on Alzheimer's Disease

Many seniors are faced with a growing number of health problems as they age. One particularly concerning disease is Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a progressive, incurable, fatal disease that usually strikes the elderly but can occur in people as young as age 40.

NutritionDiseasesAlzheimer's Disease
Non-Medical Suggestions for Alzheimer's Care and Dementia Care

Non-Medical Suggestions for Alzheimer's Care and Dementia Care

Alzheimer's care and dementia care can be made less frustrating for the caregiver and the person being cared for with a better understanding of and respect for the feelings of confusion, agitation and anxiety experienced by a person with these conditions.

TreatmentsAlzheimer's DiseaseDementiaDiseases
Dementia Care Nutrition

Dementia Care Nutrition

Being certain seniors with dementia are properly nourished can be difficult. This article will cover nutrition-related issues that seniors with dementia often struggle with as well as tips for their caregivers.
